Home Immune systemViral infections Herpes in the nose: causes, symptoms and treatment

Herpes in the nose: causes, symptoms and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Most people who suffer from nasal herpes do not even realize it. In many cases, it goes unnoticed because the symptoms are not evident or are not taken into account.

Herpes is a disease that occurs periodically produced by a virus known as HSV (herpes simplex virus). Once it is lodged in the body, this virus can remain in it for the rest of its life. It is a cause of frequent consultation with the dermatologist because it is a contagious disease.

Herpes in the nose is evident by blister-like lesions, ranging from one to several. These lesions appear both on the inside and outside of the nose. FastlyHealin this article, you will learn much more about the h Erpes nose: causes, symptoms, and treatment.

Herpes in the nose: causes

The cause that gives rise to the appearance of herpes in the nose is contamination by the Herpes Simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). This virus causes lesions in the nasal region and on the lips.

After you contact this virus, it can be found in your body latently without causing any symptoms. There are risk factors that can reactivate the presence of the virus, such as:

  • Recurrent infections: can weaken the immune system, which is a conducive medium for activating the herpes simplex virus.
  • Fever is the product of an infectious process that affects the immune system since it weakens it, thus allowing infection with the virus.
  • Flu or cold: patients who are in these circumstances due to excessive rhinorrhea may find lesions inside the nasal mucosa or on the wings of the nose, as well as blisters-type lesions, and, when cleaning the nose of runny nose, the skin may be damaged, leading to the spread in the nasal area of ​​the herpes simplex virus.
  • Tiredness or physical exhaustion: contributes to weakening the body, thus promoting the reactivation of the virus.
  • Stress: is one of the triggers for the activation of the herpes simplex virus. Emotions such as anxiety or depression can trigger the appearance of lesions caused by herpes simplex in the nose.
  • Menstruation: during this period, hormones can affect the body allowing the virus to activate and symptoms of the disease to appear.
  • Food: a diet rich in processed foods and low in natural products, such as fruits and vegetables, can lead to the appearance of allergic diseases that would lead to herpes simplex in the nose.
  • Sunrays: stimulate the reproduction of the virus found in the body due to ultraviolet rays.
  • Physical contact: frequent contact between people infected with this virus is one of the causes that people suffer from herpes in the nose.

Herpes of the nose: symptoms

The appearance of: characterizes the symptoms of herpes in the nose.

  • Tingling sensation in the nasal region.
  • Ardor.
  • Swelling and redness of the area.
  • Pain.

These symptoms can appear about three days before blisters or ulcers in the nasal region become apparent.

In addition, pimple-like lesions may appear in the internal or external area of ​​the nostril, accompanied by fluid.

Herpes of the nose can be evident both inside and outside of the nose.

How is herpes spread on the nose?

The contagion of this disease is usually from person to person with direct contact. It can be through a kiss in the infected area or where the injury is. Due to its proximity to the mouth, it can cause cold sores or cheeks.

After being in contact with the virus, the time for herpes to appear is approximately three weeks. This may vary in each individual according to their immune system or if they are going through a stressful situation.

When blisters appear, they fill with fluid. These injuries should not be manipulated or drained. This prevents the liquid from contacting other areas and the affected area from getting more significant. This is the time when it can be spread to other people.

These blisters should be allowed to drain on their own. Then a scab will form that should not be touched until the injury is fully healed. This period can be several weeks until the skin returns to normal. Generally, it is usually treated in 7 to 14 days, as long as you have adequate treatment.

How to cure herpes on the nose: treatment

The specialist doctor, the dermatologist, should indicate the treatment of herpes in the nose. This will be in charge of corroborating the presence of the lesion in the nasal area or, in case of doubt, requesting the appropriate tests to reach the definitive diagnosis.

Initially, both nostrils should be kept clean by utilizing a nasal wash every 4 hours without touching the lesions with the fingers. This will prevent the spread of the infection to other areas and not further contaminate the nostril. This should be done with cotton or swabs.

Treatment should start with the pharmacological part, with the indication of antivirals, antihistamines, analgesics, anti-inflammatories, and antibiotics, depending on the symptoms and the lesions that occur in the nasal area.

Oral antivirals, such as Acyclovir, should be used as an antiviral to control symptoms. In addition, it is necessary to apply topical treatments during the presence of these lesions. Likewise, the intake of vitamins that strengthen the person’s immune system suffering from it is required.

Acyclovir cream is used to treat lesions caused by herpes in the nose.

How to prevent herpes on the nose

The ideal is to maintain specific hygienic measures to prevent and control the appearance of herpes in the nose:

  • Avoid touching the scabs or having direct contact with infected people without taking proper hygienic measures, such as washing hands after contact with the lesions.
  • Apply high protection sunscreen every 2 hours to the entire face. In this way, the effects of ultraviolet rays are prevented.
  • Implement a healthy diet, free of chemical additives, with abundant consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Comply with medical indications to avoid contagion of infection.

It is essential to know the causes and symptoms of herpes in the nose to prevent its spread and even control the appearance of lesions. Dermatological control is vital with an accurate diagnosis as well as appropriate medication. With this, the frequent occurrence of herpes infection in the nose can be prevented.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

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