Home Brain and nerves Head Bump: Types, Symptoms and medications

Head Bump: Types, Symptoms and medications

by Alivia Nyhan
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The head is a very peaceful place that, although it is covered by a thick layer of bone, must be considered before any blow. Despite everything, these types of accidents, such as bruises and crashes to the head, are prevalent, whether due to car accidents, falls, sports or fights, especially during childhood.

Although they are ubiquitous, what is not so common is knowing how to react to these accidents, when to worry about a blow to the head or when to go to the hospital.

In the following FastlyHealarticle, we will explain to you the symptoms that should alert us to a blow to the head, those signs that tell us when to go to the doctor for a blow to the head and how to act in these cases.

How to deal with a blow to the head

In the face of blows to the head, few people have an idea of ​​the first aid that should be given. In turn, many urban legends and misinformation can play against a person’s health. Here we explain what you should do before a blow to the head :

  • Monitor the person’s health and behavior for the next 24 hours; if it is a child or an older adult, extend it to 72 hours.
  • If you notice any unusual behavior or signs at that time, go to the doctor.
  • Go to the doctor if you have lost consciousness, even briefly.
  • When there is a trauma to the head, it is expected that there are also cervical injuries; pay attention to whether the neck or back hurts.
  • If someone hits their head, they should continue with their routine and activity; if it is a child, they should play, eat and sleep when it is their turn; only then will it be possible to know if they act abnormally.
  • It falls within the normality that his head hurts and the area where he has received the blow.
  • Although it has been repeated for a long time, it is false that someone who has suffered a blow to the head should not be allowed to sleep. In the case of children, they must be allowed to sleep at the expected time, although it is recommended to wake them up every 2 or 3 hours to check how they are and if they usually respond.

Types of head bumps and symptoms

Below we explain the different types of blows to the head, how they manifest themselves physically, and the mark they leave on the person. In addition, we will explain how you should act in each of them:

Hit to the head with cut or wound

  • If the child or adult is bleeding, the first thing to do is wash the cut under the tap to observe the extent of the wound.
  • Observe if foreign bodies are embedded in the wound and if the bones give to the touch; if so, do not touch anything else and go to the hospital.
  • If it does not give way to the touch and the wound is clean, press it with gauze to stop the bleeding.
  • If the wound is too large or deep, it will surely need a suture, so you will have to go to a health center within the next 4 hours.

Bump on the head

If there is no open wound, the most normal thing is that there is inflammation and a bump appears. In these cases, it is very normal for the child or adult to feel pain, which can last for a few days. The method that you must follow at that time is the following:

  • Apply cold to the area where the blow has occurred, for example, with an ice pack wrapped in a towel.
  • Give you a pain reliever.
  • Observe the evolution of the bump; if it lengthens or becomes soft, it is a reason to go to a hospital as soon as possible.

Bruised bump without a bump or wound

Even if a bruise appears, it is also normal for a headache to occur. In that case, a pain reliever and cold application can help prevent it. Another aspect to consider is the evolution of purple; if the headache is not reduced or alleviated over time, it will be time to visit a doctor.

When to go to the doctor for a blow to the head

Here we explain when you should go to the doctor after a blow to the head in adults and children. The symptoms that we will explain below can help you to evaluate when a blow to the head is severe:

  • Loses consciousness, even for a moment.
  • Lightheadedness or drowsiness
  • Does not respond correctly to stimuli.
  • You are vomiting.
  • Asymmetric pupils or dilated pupils all the time.
  • You have seizures.
  • Bleeds from the nose or ear without hitting it there.
  • His eyes turn purple.
  • A strange bruise appears, like a bump that is growing.
  • The bones give to the touch.
  • Hematemesis or vomiting blood.
  • It behaves abnormally.
  • It is misplaced.
  • He does not speak correctly.

Bumps to the head in babies

Bumps on the head are one of the main problems of childhood. In the early years, especially when they begin to take their first steps and can begin to move with some independence, it is not uncommon for them to suffer more than one fall that ends with a blow to the head.

In most cases, it is not severe, and the child does not suffer any other inconvenience apart from a bruise or bump. However, special attention must be paid since the skull bones of babies are much softer than those of a baby. Adult. These have not yet closed, and consequently, your brain is much more exposed. Here we explain what are the symptoms of a blow to the head in babies before which you should go to the doctor:

  • The baby loses consciousness.
  • You are vomiting.
  • You are more irritable than usual.
  • You notice that he sleeps more than usual.
  • You have a hematoma that is growing.
  • Breathe fast.
  • He complains.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to When to go to the doctor for a blow to the head, we recommend that you enter our Brain and Nerves category .

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