Home Skin CareYeast infections Fungi on the skin: symptoms, types, treatment and preventions

Fungi on the skin: symptoms, types, treatment and preventions

by Alivia Nyhan
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Have you had fungus on your skin? Do you know why they have appeared? Are you worried about how long it takes to heal? The skin fungus is common and very annoying for those who suffer discomfort. They affect in different ways depending on the area in which they appear, they increase, and the truth is that they take time to disappear. It is widespread for the fungal infection to appear on the feet, hands, armpits, or back. No one is exempt from suffering at some point in their life this frequent annoyance, which generates itching, flaking, and redness.

In this FastlyHealarticle, we will talk to you about this condition and answer the question: are fungi on the skin contagious?

Fungi on the skin: symptoms

Fungal infections or skin fungi represent a common problem that does not discriminate in age or sex and can affect different parts of the body such as nails, groin, scalp, feet, hands, armpits, back, etc. Most fungi on the skin are difficult to remove.

The main symptoms that appear after the appearance of fungus on the skin are:

  • Irritation.
  • Dry.
  • Scaly skin.
  • Intense itching
  • Reddish pimples.
  • Hair loss.
  • Pain between the fingers.
  • Weakened nails.

However, each symptom will depend on the type of fungus affecting the skin.

Types of skin fungus

Within the classification of skin fungi or superficial mycoses, three critical groups are identified:

  • Pityriasis Versicolor: this type of fungus prevents melanin production after sun exposure. The fungus that produces pityriasis Versicolor is called yeast; it is present in healthy skin in a standard and harmless way until some predisposing factor creates a condition that makes it aggressive.
  • Candidiasis: also related to pityriasis Versicolor, candidiasis is produced by yeast, also known as an opportunistic fungus, which lives in healthy skin and is activated after being exposed to some factor. It represents a frequent reason for consulting the dermatologist.
  • Ringworm: this type of fungus has the characteristic that it feeds on the skin’s keratin; it can develop anywhere, such as the face, trunk, or extremities in children and the groin, feet, and nails in adults. Ringworm manifests as a lighter-colored red skin rash in the middle of the lesion.

Are fungi on the skin contagious?

There is a trade-off regarding whether the fungi are contagious or not. The Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology [1] clarifies this situation; in the first place, in the case of infectious processes originating from sick animals (cats, dogs, and rodents) or the environment such as the earth, they are usually very contagious for the man. Still, these generally lose their virulence when passing from one person to another.

Secondly, infections caused by exclusively artificial fungi, their contagion is directly proportional to the type of fungus and the individual characteristics of each person. It is noted that you are more likely to have symptoms of skin fungus if the following factors exist:

  • Genetic factors.
  • Environmental factors, especially a hot and humid environment.
  • The immune system is weakened by stress, anxiety, depression, diseases such as HIV, diabetes mellitus, leukemia, and, finally, the use of drugs such as corticosteroids and chemotherapy.

Skin fungus: treatment

Although they are challenging to eliminate, fungi on the skin can be treated pharmacologically through antifungals.

It is recommended to apply miconazole, ketoconazole or isoconazole. It is advisable to use them 2 to 3 times a day for at least four weeks so that the fungus disappears completely. The specialist should indicate this pharmacological treatment after adequate evaluation.

Natural remedies for skin fungus

  • Apple cider vinegar: applying it directly to the area of ​​the mycosis. Apple cider vinegar is excellent as an antifungal since it allows for the regulation of yeast growth by neutralizing the pH. Applying to the affected area 3 times a day for 15 minutes and then rinse is recommended.
  • Turmeric: in addition to its use as an anti-inflammatory, turmeric has properties to fight fungal infections. It is recommended to mix it with water or coconut oil and apply it where the injury is.
  • Coconut oil: the fatty acids in coconut oil help with mycoses by damaging the membrane on the surface of the fungus. It is recommended to use it for mild and moderate skin fungal infections; it is applied three times a day for four weeks.
  • Garlic: ringworm is frequently treated with garlic for its high effectiveness in eliminating it. You should make a paste with garlic and olive or coconut oil and apply it to the area for 2 hours before removing with plenty of water; if possible, the treatment should be done twice a day.

We show more natural treatments in the article Home remedies for skin fungus.

How to prevent skin fungus

To avoid the appearance of fungus on the skin, it is essential to follow specific recommendations:

  • Keep the skin clean and dry.
  • Wearing shoes in public and humid places, whether showers, changing rooms, or swimming pools.
  • Wear shoes that allow free circulation of air between the feet.
  • Change underwear and stockings daily.
  • Do not wear tight clothing on hot days.
  • Keep nails clean and short.
  • Do not share towels with other people.
  • Use deodorants that prevent excessive sweating.
  • Wear cotton clothing.

Faced with any skin lesion that may be superficial mycosis, it is important not to self-medicate and visit a specialist.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Is skin fungus contagious? We recommend that you enter our category of Skin, hair and nails .

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