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Female contraceptive methods

by Alivia Nyhan
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Female contraceptive

There are many contraceptive methods for men and women, and their effectiveness is very high. But, before deciding on one or the other, at FastlyHealwe recommend that you go to your gynecologist, who will tell you which is the best treatment for you, according to your particular conditions and the needs of your body. Choosing one of these methods is not as simple a task as it seems because different options have to be evaluated to determine choosing one or the other.

This article will discover the female contraceptive methods that exist today and have different uses and duration. Read on and learn how you can have sex without the risk of getting pregnant.

Condoms for women

We begin by talking about one of the most popular contraceptive methods, but in the case of the female body, they are not so popular. The condom is the only method that prevents pregnancy and protects us from the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), so it is the best way to practice safe sex.

In addition to condoms for men, there are female condoms, and it consists of a cover made of fragile and soft transparent plastic that molds to the walls of the vagina. The woman can wear it for 8 hours, and it can only be used once. Otherwise, the effectiveness is reduced, and it could break.

The effectiveness of the female condom with pregnancies is 79 to 90%, a reasonably high figure that will depend, above all, on whether it is used correctly or not. The woman must insert it into her vagina and, after intercourse, extract it carefully not to spill the content.

Condoms for women

Contraceptive diaphragm

This method consists of inserting a small silicone or latex cap that is circular into the vagina. It is placed on the cervix to block the entry of sperm and thus prevent possible conception. To start using this contraceptive, a gynecologist must indicate to you the exact placement method must be shown and require the use of spermicide to increase its effectiveness.

It must be introduced inside the woman’s body 10 minutes before having sex, and it must remain inside for 8 hours after having made love because, in this way, you make sure that the sperm will no longer leak through your uterus. After this time you should wash it well, dry it and store it in its container; You can use it again as many times as you want, but its life is extended, maximum, up to 1 year, so you must buy another one annually.

The effectiveness of this female contraceptive method is 84 to 95%, and it also protects us from some STDs, such as chlamydia.

Birth control pills

Birth control pills are a method that should be taken daily, trying to always be at the same time to ensure its effectiveness. They are made up of hormones, and there are two types of pills:

  • Combination pill: formed by gestagens (the hormone that inhibits ovulation) and estrogens, the hormone that allows menstruation to be regular. Some women are contraindicated to taking estrogens because they cannot be accepted if they suffer from obesity, hypertension, or are smokers. In these cases, gynecologists will recommend the minipill.
  • Mini-pill: made up of only gestagens and therefore perfect for women who suffer from some of the conditions detailed above.

This method has very high effectiveness of 90 and 99%. For. For this reason, it is one of the most used contraceptives by women. In addition, by directly interceding with the production of hormones, they are usually treated for other conditions such as, for example, having acne, suffering from hair loss, and so on.

Birth control pills

Contraceptive patches

One of the most comfortable and easy-to-use birth control methods for women is patches. It is an adhesive band, similar to plaster, containing a layer of estrogens and gestagens released when it comes into contact with the skin. It must be placed once a week in an area of ​​the body protected from chafing, either with clothing or movement. Areas such as the buttocks, the lower abdomen, or near the pubis may be ideal for placing the patch.

The way it works is the same as with the pill. You have to apply the patch once a week for 21 days (that is, three weeks) and then leave a week of rest for your menstruation to decrease, then return starting with the cycle. Its efficiency reaches 99.7 and 98.8% making it one of the safest.

Contraceptive patches

Contraceptive rings

Rings are also suitable for preventing pregnancy. It is a flexible and transparent ring that the woman must insert into the vagina in the same way as if it were a tampon. It must be placed every month between the first and fifth day of menstruation, its duration is three weeks, and then it must be removed for the period to come.

This method’s hormones are the same as the pills, and the vaginal mucosa is responsible for absorbing them and distributing them throughout the body. It is a suitable method since it only requires the woman to remember once a month to change the ring for a new one, and that’s it.

Contraceptive rings

Hormonal injections

The hormone injections are also designed to enjoy sex without the risk of becoming pregnant. This method gives you an intramuscular injection that must be done between the first and fifth day of the period and must always be administered by a gynecologist or specialist.

The most beneficial thing about this method is that they can be monthly injections, but there is also the possibility that they are applied every two or three months, so the involvement of women is much less. Its effectiveness is 97-99%, but it is still an unpopular method.

Hormonal injections

Intrauterine device (IUD)

This device is made of plastic and is a small object shaped like a “T” and must be inserted into the cervix by a gynecologist. Its duration lasts up to 5 years, and it is 99% effective, making it a contraceptive method with outstanding results.

What is certain is that the IUD affects menstruation by making it more abundant and painful. Currently, there are smaller hormone IUDs, so they do not present little discomfort in women who carry them. After using the IUD, you can get pregnant without any problem as it does not affect fertility.

In this FastlyHealarticle, we tell you all about the IUD.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Female contraceptive methods, we recommend that you enter our category of Female reproductive system.

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