All men have, in the pelvis, a gland called the prostate that produces a fluid that nourishes and carries semen. This walnut-shaped organ is small during youth and tends to grow as the years go by. It is vitally essential that from the age of 40, men monitor the general condition of their prostate by going to a specialist.
The urologist will do a clinical evaluation, through a digital rectal exam or an ultrasound, to detect abnormal changes in the size or irregularities in the prostate and will also order laboratory tests to evaluate the levels of prostate antigen (free and specific PSA). If suspicious results are obtained from these studies, the doctor will proceed to perform a prostate biopsy. This procedure will allow the removal and evaluation of tissue samples to determine if cancer cells are present.
The prostate biopsy is a simple surgical procedure, but like any medical procedure, it requires specific subsequent care that will help reduce the generated discomfort or discomfort. For those who must carry out this study, it is essential to take precautions. Therefore, at FastlyHeal, we want to inform you about the care after a prostate biopsy that you must consider for a good recovery.
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How is a prostate biopsy done?
When the doctor suspects the presence of prostate cancer, he will recommend a biopsy of the tissue of this gland. The most common sample is taken by drilling the prostate through the rectum transrectally. Then a pathologist will evaluate the tissue under the microscope for cell abnormalities, which can determine if there is cancer. Typically, multiple tissue samples are collected during the biopsy to explore as much territory as possible.
A prostate biopsy is a procedure that uses local anesthesia and is performed with the patient lying on one side with the knees bent. The doctor then inserts an ultrasound probe where a biopsy needle is attached, which is externalized when taking the samples. When done under anesthesia, it is a practically painless procedure and only causes a little discomfort when the pieces are born. It can last between 20 and 30 minutes and, depending on the type of patient; the patient may be accompanied home immediately after completing the procedure. Then, it will be essential to consider the care that must be taken after the prostate biopsy. The results of the study can bring about a week.
Sometimes, the patient may have cancer, but it cannot be identified in a first biopsy because if the tumor is small, the needle may not reach it. Some statistics indicate that approximately only 75% of cancers are detected in a first biopsy. Thus, if the clinical observations persist and the blood prostate antigen level continues to be elevated, a second biopsy is recommended six weeks to three months later. In this case, the doctor may perform a saturation biopsy., which implies that between 12 and 24 samples are taken from the prostate to increase the probability of reaching cancer cells. In some exceptional cases, the prostate biopsy can be carried out through the urethra (transurethral) or the perineum (transperineal).
Pre-prostate biopsy care
Before the urologist performs the biopsy, it is essential to ask the patient for a urine culture, as the procedure to collect the prostate cell sample increases the risk of urinary infection.
If the patient has a urinary infection, the doctor should treat it and postpone the study until the disease is eliminated. Similarly, even if the patient does not suffer from any condition, it is common for the doctor to prescribe antibiotics before and after the procedure. Some specialists will also indicate a bowel wash and at least 4 hours of fasting on the procedure day. For patients who have a large prostate, which makes it difficult for them to urinate, the doctor may place a catheter that prevents the prostate’s edema from completely obstructing the passage of urine.
Care after the prostate biopsy – recovery
A prostate biopsy is generally an outpatient procedure. Once the sample collection is finished, the patient can go home, preferably accompanied if they received sedation. Before undergoing the study, you should consult your doctor about the necessary care to avoid complications after the prostate biopsy. Among the most important recommendations are:
- Rest for the next 24 hours. You can return to your normal activities little by little as long as there is no pain.
- Avoid physical activity (sports, swimming, weight-bearing, running) and sexual training 24 to 72 hours after the procedure.
- Drink lots of fluids. If possible, drink more than two liters of water a day and constantly urinate to prevent bacteria from accumulating in the bladder. You should not put up with the urge to urinate.
- Maintain a balanced diet with a lot of fiber that allows smooth bowel movements.
- Avoid tobacco and alcoholic beverages.
- Comply with the medical treatment ordered by the specialist, including the prescribed antibiotics and the specifications regarding other medications, such as anticoagulants, that are part of the patient’s previous medication.
It is expected that, after the biopsy, the patient will feel some pain in the pelvic region and that, for a few days, there will be small losses of blood from the anus, urine, and semen. This should not be a cause for concern. However, if the bleeding is hefty or persists for more than three days, it can be a warning sign and a reason to see a doctor. Massive hemorrhages are considered severe complications, and although they are rare, they can be life-threatening.
Other reasons to consult the doctor and even go to the emergency room after a prostate biopsy are: very strong or increasing pain, fever, fatigue, or muscle aches. Urinary retention is also an alarm sign; there is the urge to urinate but cannot.
Of course, if you have any doubts, it is best to consult your urologist because although it is a well-tolerated test with few complications, it is a rather annoying test for certain patients and, in some cases, is infectious complications may occur, including epididymal-orchitis, prostatitis, and sepsis.
Can you have sex after a prostate biopsy?
After a prostate biopsy, doctors recommend rest. This includes avoiding all physical activity and especially sexual intercourse. Most specialists speak of at least three days without sexual movement. Others recommend 1 to 2 weeks of sexual abstinence. They also suggest, to begin with, that the man masturbates and that before having the first sexual intercourse, he warns his partner that there will be blood in his semen. The blood or dark color of the ejaculate can last for two to three weeks. The use of condoms is also suggested during this time, although these blood losses do not represent any danger for the couple.
Similarly, other less common effects may appear after a prostate biopsy. A study in 2015 found that a small number of men had trouble getting or maintaining an erection, especially if they were older than 60 years. This does not appear to be a widespread side effect and tends to disappear within 12 weeks after the procedure, depending on the type of biopsy that has been performed.
On the other hand, in the case of men who have sex with other men, it is recommended to wait for the pain or discomfort caused by the biopsy to pass before receiving anal sex to avoid greater evils. And although, in general, these are very intimate issues, do not hesitate to ask your medical team for more advice.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
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I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.