Home Kidneys and urinary systemKidney stones Care after a kidney stone operation

Care after a kidney stone operation

by Alivia Nyhan
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Numerous disorders significantly affect our health, and some of them are much more common than others. One of the most common alterations is what is known as kidney stones, that is, the presence of one or more solid masses formed by tiny crystals in the ureter or kidney. It is a pathology that can be hereditary in some cases and is quite common in babies born prematurely; however, there are different types of kidney stones, and the cause will depend on its style.

This disorder can be treated in various ways depending on each patient’s complexity and case. Despite this, the most effective and used way to eliminate them is through a surgical process that, although it does not carry significant risks, as in all surgery, certain precautions are necessary.

If you are a patient with this alteration and the chosen treatment is to remove these stones in an operating room, we advise you to read the following FastlyHealarticle to know all the care after a kidney stone operation.

Precautions Before Kidney Stones Operation

The care of a kidney stone operation does not begin only after it, so there are certain precautions to consider before undergoing this surgical treatment. One of the most significant changes that should be made before the operation is to stay away from tobacco for all those who smoke. Likewise, for overweight people who must undergo surgery to remove kidney stones, it is essential to try to lose a few kilos before this type of treatment is performed.

The patient must know his general state of health to assure the professional that he does not suffer from blood pressure, heart, and lungs problems. If there is any alteration, it may be necessary to undergo treatment for these disorders to bring them under control and then undergo surgery for kidney stones.

Although the operation to remove kidney stones is not complex, it is essential to go to a trusted professional and to a center where they have all the necessary elements to carry out the process. It is necessary that the surgeon knows about the state of health in general and if the patient is allergic to any particular medication.

Care and recovery after kidney stone operation

During the first 24 hours after leaving the operating room, the patient may feel weak, as if they are still ill, but that will change soon. In some cases, it will be necessary for professionals to administer certain medications to control any symptoms that may cause discomfort to the patient.

On some occasions, the person who has just been operated on may need to have a tube in the incision to drain any accumulation of blood or other secretions caused by the wound itself; however, this is usually removed within two to three days or when the fluids stop.

At the same time, the person may feel clumsy, sluggish, and forgetful for the first 24 hours after treatment, as general anesthesia may cause these effects. Although some discomfort can be handled with movement, intense pain is not common to manifest. However, the nurses will be aware of any patient symptoms after the surgery.

After the kidney stone operation, the person must carry a cannula located in the ureter for proper recovery. It is a tube used to expel urine while the entire urinary system heals. This cannot be very pleasant for some people, but the box is removed in just a day or two. After this, the patient will be able to urinate normally. However, if this is not the case, it is essential to go to the specialist again.

There are different types of surgeries to treat kidney stones that will depend on the complexity of each case. This is why the most invasive operations require more recovery time than those who have only undergone mild surgery. Patients with ureteroscopy surgery can feel fully recovered in just a few days. This is different from those who experience percutaneous nephrolithotomy since the time for their recovery is around two weeks.

During the time indicated by the surgeon, the patient must follow his instructions rigorously to accelerate the recovery time and ensure that it is complete and no symptoms appear.

Some risks of kidney stone operation

Although kidney stone surgery is currently considered low risk, these should always be considered, and the specialist has to talk about them to the patient. The presence of one or another complication may depend on several factors, including the predisposition of the person and their general state of health, the degree and size of the kidney stones, and the intervention by trained medical personnel. Among the possible risks of operating on kidney stones are:

  • Side effects from anesthesia such as confusion, dizziness, and vomiting.
  • Bleeding during or after the operation.
  • Perforation of the ureter during surgery.
  • Hematuria: there is the presence of blood in the urine.
  • Infection.
  • Partial or complete detachment of the ureter from the kidney.
  • Pain in the incision area, although it usually disappears with time.
  • Narrowing of the urethral canal this due to inflammation or scar tissue.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Care after a kidney stone operation, we recommend that you enter our Kidneys and urinary system category.

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