Home Medication and medical testsOther medications Can I take Ibuprofen and Frenadol together?

Can I take Ibuprofen and Frenadol together?

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Both Ibuprofen and Frenadol are over-the-counter medications, so they are easy to purchase. Despite being composed of different substances, these drugs share some properties that favor the reduction of specific symptoms. Still, neither of them fights the alteration that is causing them, being necessary to use other drugs to control and eliminate the symptoms. Symptomatology.

Unlike Ibuprofen, which is advisable to relieve symptoms of various disorders, Frenadol is a more specific product. It is recommended in cases of colds and flu due to the composition of its active principles that in other conditions, it is not effective and could cause side effects. Due to their properties in common, many people may think about combining them but are concerned that there will be an adverse reaction. If you are one of those who wonder if you can take Ibuprofen and Frenadol together, the following FastlyHealarticle clears this question.

What is frenadol used for?

Frenadol is one of the most comprehensive anti-flu drugs, as it helps alleviate a large number of symptoms caused by colds and flu. This is thanks to the fact that it is made up of several active principles, which can vary depending on the variety of Frenadol.

It can be composed of paracetamol, dextromethorphan, chlorphenamine, caffeine, and pseudoephedrine. Therefore, frenadol has properties :

  • Painkillers
  • Antipyretic.
  • Antitusivas.
  • Antihistamines.
  • Psychoactive.
  • Decongestive.

This means that it reduces headaches or other mild or moderate ailments, lowers fever, prevents the cough reflex when there is no presence of phlegm that needs to be expelled, reduces irritation in the throat and nose, sneezing and runny nose, stimulates the nervous system against decay and fights congestion in the nasal passages and sinuses.

Despite these great benefits, it is essential to go to medical consultation. The specialist recommends the variety of Frenadol that best suits the patient’s condition and indicates the appropriate dose and duration of treatment. Likewise, it must be clear that Frenadol only helps fight flu and cold symptoms but does not eliminate the cause of them, so a doctor’s evaluation is also necessary.

When to take Ibuprofen?

Ibuprofen is one of the most well-known medicines that are common to find in the medicine cabinet at home or work because it is over-the-counter. Its popularity lies in the fact that it is a product with analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties that effectively reduce mild or moderate pain, fever, and inflammation that can cause various alterations in the body.

Ibuprofen is usually used regularly to relieve headaches, muscle pain, dental pain, menstrual pain, and the general discomfort of a cold or flu. However, it can also be part of the medical treatment of other conditions that must be under control, such as the different types—arthritis, post-surgical pain, kidney stone pain, ankylopoietic spondylitis, pericarditis, among others.

Although its consumption has become common for several conditions and people tend to self-medicate in many cases, it is essential to always have the approval of the doctor before ingesting it, since the dose and the time that Ibuprofen must take to achieve the effect What is desired may be different for each type of disorder and the patient’s general health status. Likewise, its inappropriate and frequent consumption without rest can result in gastrointestinal problems and other secondary symptoms.

Can I take Ibuprofen and Frenadol together?

Because Ibuprofen and Frenadol share properties that help reduce pain and high temperature, people experiencing a cold or flu may want to combine them, thinking that the effect will be more significant and the discomfort will be relieved. It is faster, but the question may arise as to whether the interaction between the two is contraindicated and whether it could generate other negative symptoms.

So far, no type of reaction between these drugs has been described, so Ibuprofen and Frenadol can be taken together. This indicates that neither of them impairs the effectiveness of the other or increases the risk of suffering more side effects, being more likely to arise a problem by ingesting a higher dose than recommended of Ibuprofen or Frenadol.

Although apparently, you can combine Frenadol and Ibuprofen, it is advisable not to do it, since the active principles of the first drug should be enough to alleviate the symptoms of cold or flu, so if this does not occur and the discomfort are prolonged or increased, the best thing is to go to medical consultation for personalized treatment and correctly attack the cause of the symptoms.

It can also happen that Ibuprofen is being ingested as a treatment for another illness when you have a cold or flu, and you want to consume Frenadol. As mentioned above, there is no interaction between them, and both medications can be taken, and the most recommended way to destroy them is to leave 4 hours between one drug and the other. However, it is best not to self-medicate in these cases since Frenadol may be contraindicated for specific conditions and medications used for other diseases, so the doctor must approve its consumption.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

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