Home men's HealthProstatitis Calcifications in the prostate: symptoms and natural treatment

Calcifications in the prostate: symptoms and natural treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

The calcifications in the prostate are a pervasive disorder in men and are generally related to chronic type, so very few typical cases of acute character. However, it is always essential to consult with a professional so that he can carry out the necessary controls and offer the correct treatment for each individual since it may vary according to the conditions of each patient.

This disorder tends to be more common in men over 50 years of age. In general, it is asymptomatic, so the pathology is usually discovered by chance with control studies or by another disease. Also, some specialists assure that calcifications are more common in those who have diabetes. If you want to know more about calcifications in the prostate: symptoms and natural treatment, keep reading the following article by FastlyHeal.

Calcifications in the prostate: causes and diagnosis

Prostatic calcifications can be a consequence of an infection or inflammation in the area, known as prostatitisAlthough it is not usual for it to be categorized as a severe disorder, it is essential to carry out the correct treatment, mainly if it occurs from infection, since untreated infections can generate different complications.

Despite the above, the specific causes of the calcifications that can appear in the prostate are not yet known. Some research assures that this pathology is caused by prostatic secretions that cannot be wholly expelled, causing them to dry out and form these calcifications.

Other studies state that calcifications in the prostate can be caused by the production of waste from the urine that enters the prostate duct. On the other hand, men with cancer usually have these stones, although they are considered a direct cause of the malignant tumor.

To diagnose prostatic calcifications, ultrasound is recommended because they can be seen correctly. You can also define the places where they are and get other details that can help the doctor prescribe the most appropriate medications.

Symptoms of calcifications in the prostate

When the prostatic calcifications are small, they do not usually cause any symptoms; however, as the stones grow, the patient’s risk of suffering from infections increases. If this happens, it is essential to go to the doctor to prescribe the correct antibiotics, which will help this alteration. Still, they will not help eliminate calcifications in the prostate.

Being an asymptomatic pathology during the initial stage, annoying symptoms begin to be generated when the calcifications are already considerable. The most characteristic symptomatology of this prostate alteration is:

  • Have severe back and pelvic pain.
  • Having difficulty urinating and the feeling of not being able to empty your bladder.
  • Feeling the urge to urinate frequently.
  • Having severe or moderate discomfort when ejaculating.

Natural treatment for calcifications in the prostate

Although it is essential to perform the traditional medical treatment recommended by the urologist to cure calcifications in the prostate, specific natural options can be combined with the drugs given to have a faster improvement and get rid of symptoms.

Among the most prominent home remedies for patients with prostate calcifications is the one based on magnesium chloride, which is ideal for performing together with the treatment indicated by the doctor. Although magnesium is essential for various body functions and is very important to help eliminate prostate stones, it is necessary that its consumption be moderate and not exceed the recommended levels because it could generate effects contrary to those sought. This is why it is advisable to visit a specialist and not consume before he approves it.

To obtain the ideal values ​​of vitamins and proteins in the body, it is essential to maintain a balanced and healthy diet by consuming healthy foods. Likewise, natural sources of magnesium, such as spinach, almonds, prawns, hazelnuts, and walnuts, can be included in the diet or take magnesium supplements as indicated by the prospectus or health professional.

On the other hand, specific natural products can also help patients with this disorder due to the properties that each one contains. Among them, ginger root, pumpkin seeds, vegetable juices, tomatoes, and avocados stand out, so they can be consumed in various ways to enjoy their benefits.

However, it is essential to remember that implementing home remedies is not a substitute for medical recommendations. Natural treatment may not be enough to improve symptoms and eliminate calcifications depending on the degree of affectation. However, it can be an excellent ally to complement medical treatment and the prevention of new calcifications in the prostate.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Calcifications in the prostate: symptoms and natural treatment , we recommend that you enter our category of Male reproductive system .


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