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Boils: causes, symptoms and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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Boils are like a pus-filled pimple that forms under the SkinSkin when a foreign bacteria or microorganism has infected a group of hair follicles and their surrounding tissue. Spots can appear anywhere on the skin of the body. However, they are most common on the face, armpits, neck, buttocks, and thighs.

Boils begin as a kind of red sac visible on the SkinSkin, but as time passes, their size increases and their pus content, which makes them very painful. It is crucial to avoid domestic excision of these lesions; the ideal is to go to the doctor to drain and treat the infection. If you are interested in learning more about boils: causes, symptoms, and treatment, we invite you to continue reading this article from FastlyHeal.

Causes of boils

Boils are widespread lesions that, in most cases, are caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. Still, they can also be caused by any bacteria or fungus that contact the skin skin. The bacteria enter the SkinSkin through any damage or injury to the hair follicles, which allows the infection to penetrate deeper into the tissues.

Staphylococcal infection is widespread; in fact, it is believed that 3 out of 10 people are colonized with this bacterium, which means that although they do not present symptoms of infection, the microorganism lives in them and can transmit it with simple skin contact to SkinSkin. However, some people are more likely to be infected with staph aureus, which:

  • They have wounds and sores.
  • They take drugs by injection.
  • They have some tube or line.
  • They have artificial joints.
  • They have a weak immune system or chronic disease.
  • They live with someone colonized with staph.
  • They play physical contact sports.
  • They were recently hospitalized.
  • They share hygiene products like towels or toothbrushes.

Symptoms of boils

When a boil develops, you often experience no symptoms other than tenderness, swelling, and redness on a specific part of the skin. Then, a fluid-filled ball or cyst will be felt as the infection progresses and the boil grows.

Over time the composition of pus and dead tissue inside the boil also increases, which can cause a lot of pain when this bump comes into contact with something. Among the main symptoms of spots, we find:

  • A pus-filled, swollen ball or lump can be the size of a golf ball.
  • The ball has a white or yellowish nucleus due to the pus it contains.
  • The boil may be spread to other parts of the skin skin.
  • Suppuration of pus
  • Formation of a scab.
  • The ball proliferates.
  • Fibre.
  • Before the ball appears, there may be itching.
  • Fatigue.
  • Red SkinSkin around the boil.
  • When one abscess spreads to join another, it can cause a carbuncle infection.
  • The most painful spots form on the ears, nose, or buttocks.

When a boil is suspected, it is essential to see a doctor, who, with a simple physical examination, will be able to determine with the naked eye whether it is a boil or not. People who develop a spot are more likely to have repeated infections of this type.

Treatment of boils

Some boils get better on their own when after a time of itching and pain, they drain the fluid without intervention, which immediately calms the symptoms. However, in most cases, it is necessary to see a doctor open the lesion and drain the pus and dead tissue concentrated within the lump. In general, a boil drains within two weeks of its appearance, and while this time elapses, it is necessary to take into account the following instructions:

  • Do not manually remove the boil or try to open it at home, as this can spread the infection. A doctor is the only person capable of treating these types of injuries.
  • Applying hot and cold compresses to the boil helps speed up drainage.
  • Once the boil opens, the compresses should continue to be applied to heal the wound and reduce inflammation.

In some cases, the boil is so large that the doctor must prescribe antibiotics and perform minor outpatient surgery to remove all the substance in the bulge and prevent infection in any other part of the body. This intervention is necessary when:

  • The boil appeared more than two weeks ago and has not drained.
  • The spot reappears in the same place.
  • The site is found on the face or spine.
  • The pain from the site is unbearable.
  • The boil is accompanied by fever.

Likewise, once the boil appears, it is necessary to take care of it to prevent its spread and to make it heal completely:

  • The spot should be cleaned every day, and the gauze covering should be changed frequently.
  • Every time you touch the spot, you should wash your hands immediately with antibacterial soap.
  • Any cloth or towel that has come into contact with the spot should be washed with boiling water.
  • The liquid from the boil should not contact anything or anyone; to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to throw the gauze or dressings in a sealed bag.
  • If the doctor prescribes oral or topical antibiotics, it is necessary to follow the instructions to the letter to prevent the infection from recurring.

How to prevent a boil

Avoiding contact with staph is almost impossible because they are everywhere, even in our bodies. However, we can prevent this bacteria from penetrating deeper and causing a more significant infection that leads to a boil. How? The best way to avoid a spot is to maintain good body hygiene. For them, it is necessary to wash their hands several times a day with antibacterial soap to eliminate any microorganisms, fungus, or bacteria that we have been able to touch from our SkinSkin. Also recommended:

  • It was cleaning the home with disinfectants that kill bacteria and germs that can concentrate anywhere in the house.
  • Wash clothes, towels, and bedding in hot water to eliminate germs.
  • Avoid touching someone else’s boil.
  • Applying tea tree oil when the boil is forming helps prevent its progression.
  • Heal and disinfect any wounds on the body several times a day to avoid infection.
  • Hygiene items such as towels, bar soap, or toothbrushes should not be shared.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Boils: causes, symptoms, and treatment, we recommend that you enter our category of SkinSkin, hair, and nails.

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