Home Eyes and visionEyelid diseases Tics in the eyes: causes and treatment

Tics in the eyes: causes and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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Eye tics are medically known as “blepharospasms.” Blepharo means eyelid, and a spasm is a contraction; in any case, it is an abnormality of the normal function of the eyelids, in which the muscles around the eye and in the eyelid contract involuntarily, causing movements in the eyelid, under the eyes or even part of the face.

Tics in the eyes can be grouped as a disease of the group of dystonias, which are involuntary and abnormal movements of the muscles, which can be chronic or disappear quickly. Next, in the following FastlyHealarticle, we will talk about tics in the eyes: causes and treatment.

Symptoms of eye tics

Usually, the symptoms are apparent, and the patient refers to them as itching and blinking; in the most severe cases, it may happen that the person cannot partially or fully open their eyes.

They are symptoms that come and go because they depend on the stimuli that trigger them, they can disappear for a time and then become frequent. Next, we will talk about the causes that can trigger nervous tics.

Tics in the eyes: causes

There are several classifications of blepharospasms according to their severity and intensity:

Nervous tic

The minor spasm of the eyelid, due to nervous twitch or tic, is the first classification and is the mildest and most benign; in it, we can see movements of the lower part of the eye that usually occur on only one side, and that begins as an itch mild and blinking, sometimes it feels like the lower part of the eye “jumps” quickly. Usually, this disappears after a few seconds and does not leave significant sequelae; it is generally caused by:

  • Intense stress or tension
  • Eye dryness: for example, in people who wear contact lenses or lenses.
  • Eye fatigue: in people who work a lot in front of a screen or require wearing glasses.
  • Caffeine: Caffeine can temporarily excite the movement of the eye muscles called orbicularis, causing spasms or tics.
  • General tiredness or lack of sleep.
  • Alcohol: the eyes can dry due to dehydration and produce a tic.
  • Severe nutritional imbalances and magnesium deficiency are said to be involved.
  • Allergies: People with allergies often have watery and itchy eyes, to which a tic can be added.
  • Exposure to bright lights.

Essential benign blepharospasm

This is a rare disease in which the closing and opening of the eyelids cannot be adequately controlled, and a person may be unable to see because they cannot open their eyes. There are many causes, and it tends to intensify when exposed to the reasons mentioned above.

Espasmo hemifacial

It is the most severe form of tics in the eyes and affects all the muscles on one side of the face; it usually causes them to contract involuntarily and, with specific periodicity, starts in the orbicularis oculi around the eye and then spreads little by the other muscles of the face, tends to increase the intensity and frequency of the contractions over time.

Treatment of tics in the eyes

The treatment for mild tics eye depends on the cause:

  • Intense stress or tension: try to reduce stress with exercise, relaxation, or avoiding the source of stress.
  • Eye dryness: Use lubricating eye drops.
  • Eye fatigue: it is required to visit an ophthalmologist to determine if the use of glasses is needed or if the prescription currently being used needs to be updated.
  • CaffeineCaffeine consumption should be avoided.
  • General tiredness or lack of sleep: you should sleep 6 to 8 hours a day.
  • Alcohol: Alcohol consumption should be avoided.
  • Severe nutritional imbalances: In a lack of magnesium, it must be added to the diet.
  • Allergies: Exposure to allergens should be avoided, and if this is impossible, antihistamines can be used to reduce allergy expressions.
  • Exposure to bright lights: use eye protection, such as sunglasses or screens for televisions and computers.

The best treatment for severe or persistent tics in the eyes is the injection of botox around the eyes at strategic points; the botox will stop the movement of the muscle, paralyzing it, with which there will be no more spasms or tics, even if the person is exposed to a factor that would typically trigger it. The effect of botox to improve tics in the eyes lasts for 2 to 3 months, after which the spasms can return, so patients should inject Botox about four to six times a year.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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