Home Hair CareLice Remove lice and nits naturally

Remove lice and nits naturally

by Alivia Nyhan
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Head lice can become a parent’s nightmare, especially during the school year or when children return from group camps and outings. These small insects, between 2 and 4mm, difficult to see, which mainly attack children, feed on human blood, that is why they settle on the surface of the head and there they lay their eggs or nits, which are much more easy to see than lice. But there are several ways to eliminate them. Besides pharmaceuticals there are other very effective remedies. At FastlyHeal  we explain how to remove lice and nits naturally .

Steps to follow:

These annoying itching on the head, especially on the nape and behind the ears, caused by lice , are caused by a toxin that this tiny insect injects into the scalp before sucking the blood.

There are several effective natural remedies that can help us fix it and get rid of both lice and nits.


Vinegar is the most common remedy against lice and one of the most effective. The treatment is simple, you just have to mix hot water and white vinegar and apply it from the roots to the ends with dry hair.


Both baby oil and olive oil and some aromatic oils such as coconut oil, jasmine or anise oil, are also effective and also leave the hair well hydrated. You have to soak your hair with the product and cover your head with a hat or bag, letting it act for several hours to suffocate the lice. Afterwards, you just have to wash your hair well and repeat the same process depending on the results obtained.


Another good solution to get rid of lice naturally is garlic . You must crush a head of garlic and mix it in half a liter of water, then let it rest for a few hours and pass through the strainer so that only the liquid remains and it is easier to apply. The hair is soaked by massaging the scalp and the head is covered with a hat or a bag, let it act overnight for better effectiveness.


The eucalyptus leaves are also great allies to kill lice and nits effectively. For this treatment, only a few eucalyptus leaves and a liter of water are necessary, first the eucalyptus leaves are boiled and once the infusion is obtained, it is allowed to cool and is applied to the hair giving a gentle massage from the roots to the ends.


In all these home remedies it is important after rinsing your hair and passing a special comb to remove dead lice and nits. Once the product has taken effect, it is also necessary to wash the sheets and clothes that have been in contact with these small insects to avoid being infested again.

On the other hand, to help prevent lice and nits, it is good not to share capillary utensils, because lice move by crawling, not jumping as is popularly believed, and could easily pass from one head to another through combs, brushes, rubbers of hair, etc.


Lice are almost invisible. They are wingless insects that measure between 1 and 3 mm in size and “inhabit” humans by feeding on their blood. These parasites rarely cause serious medical problems, but they are very bothersome and highly contagious. They are easily spread from person to person by physical contact and by sharing clothing or other personal items.

Every four hours or so, these little ones sting the blood vessels in the area where they are to eat. Because they are capable of injecting an anesthetic, the initial bite is hardly felt. However, as their saliva stays on the skin, the small bites gradually start to sting and itch. The intense scratching of the person, many times breaks the skin, and can lead to bacterial infections.

Types of lice

There are three types of lice:

  • Those on the head: they are about the size of a sesame seed, and can be easily seen although they hide quickly if exposed to light. Their eggs, called nits, are like whitish ovals that stick to the “shaft” of the hair. The infection can spread to the eyebrows, eyelashes, and beard.
  • Body lice: Body lice are very similar to the previous ones, but they are actually a different species. They are not as easily transmitted and are more difficult to detect. They tend to “live” with a person whose hygiene is very bad.
  • Pubic lice : Pubic lice are grayish-yellow insects that live in the pubic region and are normally transmitted during sexual contact. Their size is about the size of a pinhead and they are slightly translucent. They are shaped like a crab.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Eliminate lice and nits naturally , we recommend that you enter our Skin, hair and nails category .

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