Home Hair CareLice Differences between nits and dandruff

Differences between nits and dandruff

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Nits are small, white eggs that lice deposit on the hair, usually near the scalp, and where they remain until they finally turn into lice. These nits are often difficult to distinguish from dandruff, as they closely resemble each other in color, size, and shape. However, there are slight differences that can be key to distinguishing them and identifying the nits, so that the appropriate treatment can be applied if they exist. In the following FastlyHealarticle we will show you what are the differences between nits and dandruff .


The main feature that you should pay attention to is adherence to the hair. Nits are much more difficult to separate from hair, while dandruff tends to fall off with just a shake. For this reason, the nits remain attached to the same hair over the days, something that does not happen with the scales on the scalp.


Pay attention when you wash your hair. Nits cannot be removed with a simple wash, while dandruff can, even though it appears again later. Therefore, if the whiteheads persist in the hair after washing, it is likely that they are nits. Try an anti-dandruff shampoo to see better.

Color and shape

At first glance, the tonality of both is very similar. However, dandruff is usually a much more intense white, while the color of the nits tends to be a bit pearly. Looking at the shape can also help you; skin scales are not usually of a specific shape or size, but nits are always more oval.


The fact that the nits remain attached to the hair will make you see how they separate from the scalp as the mane grows. Keep in mind that the further away they are from the root of the hair, the more difficult it will be to survive. Ultimately, the nits could be dead when we find them and therefore no lice infestation.


With our own hands we can identify if a nit is alive or dead. Nits feel on your hands similar to grains of sand. Try taking one and squeezing it with your fingers; If the egg pops when crushed, it is still alive.

What to do in each case?

If after analyzing the small white dots you determine that it is dandruff, it is important to keep your hair careful; dirt will only cause more scales to build up and make your scalp itchy . There are special shampoos to avoid excess dandruff, but you can also opt for home remedies such as water with lemon juice or coconut oil . Massage the hair well every time you wash it, so that it improves circulation in the area.

If it is finally nits and you identify the lice in the hair , they will have to be eradicated. Both in the pharmacy and in perfumeries or supermarkets you can find specific products made to eliminate lice and nits . There are also natural remedies with which to eliminate these small parasites, such as the application of infusion of eucalyptus leaves, infusion of rosemary, apple cider vinegar, aromatic oils or lavender essence.

Head lice are very contagious and it is important to treat them as soon as possible. In addition, once is not enough, but the treatment should last a few days until these parasites are completely eradicated. If you are not sure which treatment to use, consult your doctor.

If you want to know more home remedies to remove lice and lice, we invite you to read the article to remove lice and nits naturally .

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Differences between nits and dandruff , we recommend that you enter our Skin, hair and nails category .

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