Home Blood problemsUric acid Low uric acid: causes, symptoms and treatment

Low uric acid: causes, symptoms and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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Uric acid is a substance produced by our body when it breaks down purines from food and beverages and is expelled through the urine and feces to a lesser extent. An excess of purines causes uric acid to be higher than usual. In the opposite case, that our body does not metabolize enough purines, the person is considered to have low uric acid. This phenomenon is known as hypouricemia and must be controlled since it can lead to heart problems. A proper diet is essential for contributing to normal uric acid levels. Therefore, at FastlyHealwe, explain the causes, symptoms, and treating low uric acid.

Genetic causes of low uric acid

One of the leading causes that we can associate with low uric acid is a hereditary disorder known as Fanconi syndrome, which causes low levels of this substance due to kidney dysfunction. This means that the renal tubules present in the kidneys do not absorb uric acid properly. The kidneys have nephrons, which are responsible for purifying the Blood. Each nephron has different tubules that eliminate harmful substances to the body while absorbing those that are good for the body. Therefore, when this system does not work correctly, the body does not absorb the necessary uric acid.

Another genetic reason is hereditary xanthinuria, produced by a lack of the xanthine enzyme that causes a disorder of purine metabolism. This situation makes uric acid low, while the concentration of xanthine in the urine is excessive, generating urolithiasis, better known as urinary calculus.

Wilson’s disease is an inherited disorder but could explain the lack of uric acid by excess copper in the body’s tissues. This excess copper causes damage to the liver and nervous system. When the body absorbs too much copper, it is stored in the liver, kidneys, eyes, and brain causing damage to them, in addition to the death of tissues.

Low uric acid from diabetes

Diabetes can be of different types. In the case of diabetes mellitus, there are three types depending on the level of glucose concentration in the Blood. Hypouricemia can be seen in type 1 of this diabetes, in which insulin is necessary, and in type 2 diabetes mellitus, the patient is not insulin-dependent. The decrease in uric acid is explained by increased filtering in the kidneys. In addition, a disorder in the ability of the kidneys to absorb uric acid is also related.

Low uric acid from an improper diet

Diet is a fundamental part of the proper functioning of our body. Therefore, a diet in which some foods are excluded or not consumed enough can lead to a lack of uric acid. Precisely, a diet low in the protein of animal origin, such as meat, which includes beef, lamb, rabbit, etc. Likewise, oily fish, such as sardines, anchovies, salmon, tuna, and herring, among others, are also necessary to be able to metabolize purines that allow our body to have normal uric acid levels.

Other behaviors that generate a lack of uric acid in our body are the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and some medications like cortisone, estrogens, or salicylates.

Warning symptoms of low uric acid

When a person has hypouricemia, the symptoms they may present are not a consequence of it, but instead of the disease that generates low uric acid levels, so this condition becomes a symptom derived from the disease.

Those who suffer from tubular hypouricemia may present symptoms such as fatigue, nausea or vomiting, and abdominal pain. These symptoms usually appear a few weeks after exercising.

Low uric acid treatment

The usual procedure to detect low uric acid levels is through a urinalysis. This process allows us to observe the amount of uric acid expelled. When hypouricemia is caused by a genetic disease or diabetes, the treatment will be appropriate for each illness and person. For example, in the case of Wilson’s disease, the objective will be to reduce excess copper, so it will be recommended to take certain medications that facilitate this function.

If the low uric acid level is due to an inadequate diet, the person should incorporate foods rich in substances that allow the body to absorb uric acid. Animal protein, like red meats and bluefish, should be eaten in this case. It can also help consume fruits and vegetables since they are foods rich in vitamin C and skimmed dairy.

In addition, good hydration is essential for the proper functioning of the body and physical exercise.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Low uric acid: causes, symptoms and treatment , we recommend that you enter our category of Blood, heart and circulation .

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