Home Women's HealthDysmenorrhea Home remedies for period pain

Home remedies for period pain

by Alivia Nyhan
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Home remedies for period pain

Known medically as dysmenorrhea, period pain is a widespread condition that affects between 25 and 50% of women at some point in their life. It is characterized by severe pain in the belly that can also extend to the lower back, colic, fatigue, and in more severe cases, even vomiting and nausea. Depending on the type of dysmenorrhea with which the treatment is available, it will vary since, in some cases, the discomfort occurs due to a condition in the uterus or pelvic organs. In this FastlyHealarticle, we explain more about period pain and give you some home remedies for menstrual pain.

The importance of visiting a gynecologist

Although pain in the period is widespread, visiting a gynecologist is always essential because depending on the type of dysmenorrhea suffered, more complex solutions may be required.

A few months after the first menses appear, the primary dysmenorrhea is characterized by the primary dysmenorrhea. It extends up to 25 years or after the first birth and is only discomfort in the days before and the first days of bleeding. It usually remits with the intake of painkillers contraceptives and following some measures.

Secondary dysmenorrhea is more complex, and it usually appears after the age of 30 in women who previously had regular periods. Behind this condition, the pain, which can last for several days, may hide some pathology that affects the uterus or reproductive organs and must be treated. None of this can be determined appropriately if we do not visit a gynecologist.

importance of visiting a gynecologist

Hot compress

This is one of the most basic and straightforward to apply home remedies for period pain. Heat is ideal for reducing the discomfort of menstruation as it helps reduce inflammation in the area and promotes the proper flow of menstruation, thus reducing the possibility of clots.

You have to apply a hot compress or an electric blanket to the area, ensuring that the temperature is not too high not to harm your skin. Leave it on for as long as possible and try to relax while the heat takes effect.

Hot compress

A hot bath or shower

With an action similar to a hot compress, a sound bath or shower at high temperatures will help you completely relax your muscles, including those in the pelvic area. At the same time, it will promote blood circulation, assisting the period to go down more fluidly.

If you have a bathtub at home, do not hesitate to submerge for at least 20 minutes to notice the relief. And if you only have a shower, you can also use it to relax and apply heat directly to the belly area, improving discomfort.

hot bath or shower

Chamomile infusion

Chamomile is a natural anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic that is very effective because, in addition to helping to improve gastric health that can be affected by these discomforts, it is one of the simplest home remedies for menstrual pain and ingestion.

It is recommended to take 3 cups a day of this infusion a couple of days before the period. During the first two days of it, in this way, we will take advantage of its properties to combat inflammation and relax the area.

Chamomile infusion

Cinnamon infusion

The cinnamon infusion is an excellent ally to regulate menstrual cycles and favor the relaxation of the pelvic area muscles, so it is an ideal solution for those days when menstrual pain attacks.

It is recommended to drink 3 cups a day one day before your menstruation is scheduled and during the first two days.

Cinnamon infusion

Star anise infusion

Anise is a potent regulator of menstruation and a natural antispasmodic, and these two properties make it one of the most traditional home remedies for menstrual pain. Ingesting 3 cups of star anise tea a day can help to reduce the discomfort and inflammation caused by menstruation.

Star anise infusion

A massage in the area

Performing circular massages in the belly area with a bit of mineral oil or, if possible, an essential oil such as rosemary, lavender, or sage, will also help improve blood circulation in the pelvic area and reduce inflammation and pain. It is recommended that the oil is warm to enhance its effects.

A massage in the area

Low-intensity exercise

Frequent physical activity dramatically reduces many PMS symptoms and the possibility of menstrual cramps. Even if you have some pain during your periods, it is recommended to do moderate or low-intensity physical activity, for example, walking for 40 minutes, jogging at a brisk pace, doing yoga, or going to the gym and training lightly.

This, in addition to reducing inflammation, will promote blood circulation and help you fight pain effectively.

Low-intensity exercise

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Home remedies for menstrual pain, we recommend that you enter our category of the Female reproductive system.

Other tips to ease your period pain

In addition to all these valuable remedies, it is essential to put into practice other recommendations that will help you reduce inflammation and the intensity of pain during those days:

  • Two days before your menstruation and during the first days of it, eliminate all caffeinated foods, chocolate, and alcohol from your diet, as they increase discomfort and fluid retention.
  • Increase your fiber intake to promote a good intestinal transit. Vegetables, fruits, legumes, or whole grains are great options.
  • Always prefer hot liquids to cold drinks, which can increase discomfort.
  • Lying in the fetal position can help reduce discomfort. In the same way, raising your legs a little will improve blood circulation and provide you with good relief.
  • If your pain is extreme, it is recommended to take a couple of days before your period and during the first days of over-the-counter pain relievers. This will help your body have some pain relievers during menstruation. the pain

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Home remedies for period pain, we recommend that you enter our category of the Female reproductive system.

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