Home Bones, Joints and MusclesHand injuries and diseases Carpal tunnel syndrome: symptoms, causes and treatment

Carpal tunnel syndrome: symptoms, causes and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

The carpal tunnel is a narrow tube located in the wrist, through which the median nerve enters. When we talk about carpal tunnel syndrome, we refer to the inflammation of the tissues around the tendons, which puts pressure on the median nerve. Whatever the cause, this channel is increasingly reduced, and that is when the symptoms of tingling begin and heaviness in the wrists. At FastlyHeal, we explain the symptoms, causes, and treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome

The most common symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome is tingling or numbness in the wrist. It usually occurs at night due to pressure from the tissue around the tendons. Other symptoms can be:

  • Pain and clumsiness when grasping an object.
  • Pain that can reach the elbow.
  • Difficulty carrying bags.
  • In acute cases, atrophy of the muscle under the thumb.

To diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome, it is necessary to do a physical exam to study the strength and sensitivity in your hands and fingers, some x-rays of the wrist and tests to check your muscles and the speed with which the signals are mobilized can also be performed electrical power through the nerves.

Causes of carpal tunnel syndrome

There are several causes of carpal tunnel syndrome, such as being born with this more diminutive than the average tube, making repetitive hand and wrist movements, and using vibrating tools. Other factors can lead us to suffer from this syndrome: bone fractures, rheumatoid arthritis, alcoholism, obesity, and cysts that can form on the wrist.

Some studies have shown that carpal tunnel syndrome is not caused by typing, using the mouse, or playing a musical instrument, but it can cause tendon swelling.

Treatment for the Carpal Tunnel syndrome

Among the treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome, we have:

  • Medications: Your doctor will prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroid injections applied to the nerve area. These can relieve symptoms for a time.
  • Surgery: called carpal tunnel release involves cutting the ligament that puts pressure on the nerve. Surgery is effective, but it may take time to heal.

Most of the time, before starting a treatment with drugs and surgeries, it is necessary to adopt some preventive measures and go to the treatments described above in more acute cases. The use of splints is recommended, especially at night, and if the pain does not stop, it may be necessary to use them in the morning, apply cold or heat to the affected area and avoid sleeping on your wrists. You can also make changes in your workspace to reduce the pressure in the affected area. In some cases, the doctor will recommend doing occupational therapy.

Risk factor’s

Although carpal tunnel syndrome can be produced by jobs that require constantly holding things with the wrist flexed, there are other risk factors for suffering from this disorder:

  • If you constantly use the computer.
  • Professionals such as carpenters, packers, tellers, or construction workers use vibrating tools.
  • Other hobbies such as gardening, golf, or embroidery may have some symptoms.
  • Having had a wrist fracture.
  • I suffer from diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, and thyroid diseases.
  • It can occur during the last months of pregnancy.
  • There is a higher incidence of the syndrome in women than in men, and it can be hereditary.

Exercises to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome

Here are some exercises that will help you prevent this condition:

  • Wrist Stretch: Place one of your arms straight, take the other hand’s fingers, and take them back until your wrist stretch. Do 5 repetitions holding the movement for 10 seconds.
  • Wrist rotation: sitting in a chair, place your forearm on your thigh, palm down, and bend your wrist up. Repeat the movement twenty times.
  • Wrist extensor stretch: put one of your arms straight with the palm facing up, take the fingers of the other hand, and bring them down until you feel the stretch. You can repeat it five times, holding the position for 10 seconds.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

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