Home Women's HealthPelvic pain Abdominal pain after intercourse: causes

Abdominal pain after intercourse: causes

by Alivia Nyhan
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Abdominal pain after intercourse

Many women experience severe pain in the abdominal region during or after sexual intercourse. Suffering any pain or burning after sex is not normal. It is an indicative symptom that something is not going well and, therefore, it is best to go to your gynecologist as soon as possible.

Any pain or discomfort related to sexual intercourse is known as dyspareunia. In most cases, it is related to problems in the female organs, which is why a check-up is essential to rule out infectious, inflammatory processes and even the presence of cysts in the female ovaries. We have already talked about the pain after having sex in men in this article about male dyspareunia. Still, if you want to know the different conditions associated with this postcoital discomfort, we invite you to continue reading this article by FastlyHealabout abdominal pain after having sex: causes.

Injury during sex?

You can pass! In some cases, belly pain after sexual intercourse is due to mistreatment of the vaginal walls during penetration or a very rough penetration that has affected your pelvis. This is more common in women who slightly enlarge the vaginal sac. Usually, when this is the cause of abdominal pain after sex, the symptom passes within a few hours and improves rapidly with the consumption of over-the-counter pain relievers.

To avoid this discomfort, it is essential to talk with the partner about the positions that cause less abdominal impact to the woman and, if necessary, to pace the penetration to avoid any excessively abrupt movements that cause discomfort after the act is finished. If the pain does not go away after a day, you must visit your doctor to rule out a significant injury.

Injury during sex?

Vaginismus causes pelvic pain

Women with vaginismus experience involuntary spasms in the muscles around the vagina, which can close the vagina and prevent sexual intercourse. Many causes can trigger vaginismus, the most common being having suffered some sexual abuse in the past, an involuntary response due to physical pain and mental problems. In most cases, the cause is unknown.

The most characteristic symptom experienced by women suffering from vaginismus is pain during vaginal penetration or pelvic pain during vaginal penetration. Women with this condition must be cared for by a gynecologist, an emotional therapist, and a sexologist to attend to areas where the problem can be focused. It is essential to practice Kegel exercises to relax the pelvic floor and enjoy more pleasant sex.

Vaginal dryness

The vagina becomes naturally moistened through arousal and stimulation to facilitate penetration and enjoyment of sexual intercourse. However, many women do not lubricate enough due to hormonal problems, menopause, or anxiety during sex. This aspect can cause painful intercourse and abdominal pain after sex that may be accompanied by burning in the walls of the vagina.

The good news is that this problem is straightforward to solve, as it is enough to use a lubricant before intercourse to prevent this from happening. If you have never bought one of these products, we invite you to read the following FastlyHealarticle: How to choose your vaginal lubricant.

Vaginismus causes pelvic pain

Stinging after intercourse: Vaginal infection

Every woman will experience at least one vaginal infection in her life. This condition caused by fungi or bacteria is one of the most common causes of abdominal pain after sexual intercourse. Among the infections that most cause this symptom, we find:

  • The candidiasis is caused by the fungus Candida albicans and should be treated with topical antifungals that help eliminate the fungus from the vagina. Its symptoms include white and watery discharge similar to cottage cheese, burning and itching in the vaginal lips, pain when urinating, pain when having sex, redness of the vulva. Treatment can last up to 15 days.
  • Bacterial vaginosis is the most common vaginal infection. It is easy to recognize due to gray, fish-like vaginal discharge, itching inside and outside the vagina, painful urination, and pelvic pain that worsens after intercourse. The doctor will need to prescribe oral and topical antibiotic medications to treat this condition, and it is recommended not to have sex until the infection has been controlled.

Pain during and after lovemaking: Cervicitis

Cervicitis is an infection caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi that occurs in the uterus and that, after sexual intercourse, usually causes severe pain in the pelvic area. The pain from cervicitis can be more potent if the herpes simplex virus causes the infection. Usually, this condition manifests itself through the following symptoms:

  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding after intercourse or between periods.
  • Vaginal discharge that does not go away and maybe white, gray, or yellow.
  • Vaginal pain
  • Painful intercourse
  • Pain, pressure, or heaviness in the pelvis.

Antibiotic medications will be the appropriate treatment to treat cervicitis caused by infections such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. Antiviral drugs will be necessary to treat this condition when compelled by a virus or herpes. If the situation does not improve, it may be required to perform more advanced interventions such as cryosurgery or laser therapy.

Belly pain after intercourse due to endometriosis

The endometrium is the tissue that lines the womb. Endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissue is in large amount out of the uterus can affect any body organ. Still, most commonly, the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and uterine I strain. Women who suffer from endometriosis experience intense abdominal pain during menstruation, which can even become disabling and require rest.

Endometriosis pain also occurs during and after prolonged and deep penetration sexual intercourse. Treatment for endometriosis depends on the woman’s age, the severity of the disease, and whether or not she wants to have children. Pain relievers are usually prescribed to relieve pain, hormone therapy to prevent endometriosis from getting worse, surgery to remove organ tissue, and relaxation techniques to support symptoms.

Other causes of postcoital pain

  • Some women have a backward tilted uterus, known as a retroverted uterus. This can cause the uterus to be shocked during intercourse and pelvic pain after intercourse.
  • Women with polycystic ovaries can also experience abdominal pain after sex because some cysts can be impacted or injured during penetration.
  • Women with the pelvic inflammatory disease experience severe pain after sex.
  • Allergy to the latex of the condom.
  • She was having sex with cystitis.
  • Incompatibility of the shape and size of the penis with the shape and size of the vagina.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Abdominal pain after sex: causes, we recommend that you enter our category of Female reproductive system.

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