Home Skin CareSkin diseases White spots on the skin: causes and treatments

White spots on the skin: causes and treatments

by Alivia Nyhan
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Melanin is responsible for the color of our body; it determines the tone of our skin and the color of our hair and our eyes. When the cells that produce melanin do not work correctly, the pigmentation of our body can be altered. One of these alterations is the white spots. They can have several causes, from malnutrition to vitiligo, through lack of vitamins, or the presence of fungi. The most advisable thing is to go to a dermatologist to make a diagnosis and determine the most appropriate treatment. At FastlyHeal, we describe the causes and treatments of white spots on the skin.


The most common cause of white spots on the skin is fungi. In this case, they are sometimes accompanied by itching and other types of discomfort. Typically fungi appear in humid environments, but they can also manifest due to allergies or what is known as tinea versicolor or pityriasis Versicolor, caused by a yeast that we have in small amounts on our skin. The latter usually appears on the arms, neck, abdomen, and thighs and is not contagious.

Fungicidal creams are usually an effective remedy, and sulfur shampoos should be applied to the affected areas and left to act overnight.


It is a disease that occurs when our immune system does not work as it should and attacks melanocytes, which are the cells that produce melanin. Therefore, people with autoimmune diseases such as hyperthyroidism, for example, are more likely to suffer from it. Typically, the white spots caused by vitiligo usually appear in the body areas that are most exposed to the sun and not only on the skin but also in the eyes.

For this disease, there are medical and surgical treatments. However, the cure is not yet known, so the only thing that can be done is to improve the skin’s physical appearance through phototherapy or grafts from other parts of the body can be performed.

Remember that depigmented skin is more prone to sun damage, so it is essential to use adequate sun protection in areas with vitiligo; this can also help it not be so noticeable on the skin that is not affected.

Lack of vitamins and malnutrition

Malnutrition, translated into a lack of calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin E, can cause white spots on the skin. If this is the case, the most appropriate thing is to balance the diet and thus alleviate the lack of a complete diet.

Vitamin B12 deficiency, often related to anemia, can also lead to changes in skin color. Eating foods that contain this vitamin (red and white meat, organ meats, kidneys, or milk) will help compensate for the imbalance.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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