Home Skin CareEczema Tips to prevent atopic dermatitis

Tips to prevent atopic dermatitis

by Alivia Nyhan
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Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin disease characterized by the appearance of rashes that flake the skin and are accompanied by redness, swelling, irritation, and severe itching. This condition is hereditary, is more common in babies than in adults, can start from the first two months of life, and usually disappears over the years. Because it is a disease that is closely linked to genetics, preventing atopic dermatitis is not possible. However, episodes of skin alteration can be avoided.

Atopic dermatitis usually manifests itself in outbreaks, which external factors can trigger; however, although people with this disorder test positive in all types of skin allergy tests, this condition is not an allergic response of the body, so the person must identify throughout his life which are those factors that alter the skin and give rise to outbreaks, to avoid them. In addition, there are care and preventive actions that can help keep this disease under control; for this reason, in this FastlyHealarticle, we inform you of some tips to prevent atopic dermatitis.

Factors that worsen atopic dermatitis

Although each person is different, there are certain factors that specialists in dermatology have identified as potential enemies of atopic skin due to their ability to cause breakouts, worsen the condition of rashes and increase skin itching, swelling and inflammation. Therefore, one of the main tips to prevent atopic dermatitis is to recognize these external factors and avoid them as much as possible:

  • Pollen, mold, mites, dust.
  • The hair of animals.
  • Flu or colds.
  • Chemicals like chlorine.
  • Rough fabrics or materials such as wool.
  • Stress or emotional problems.
  • Frequent or scalding showers.
  • Sudden changes in temperature, such as constantly going from hot to cold or vice versa.
  • Skin soaps, perfumes, and any aromatic substance, even hair dyes.

Keeping a sprout diary

In addition to the factors mentioned above, there may be people with atopic dermatitis who present reactions or complications derived from other types of stimulants, foods, lifestyle, or hygiene habits. For this reason, it is highly recommended to keep an outbreak diary, that is, to write down in a notebook what was the differential fact in our routine that caused this alteration.

The ideal is to write down any object, substance, or action that could have triggered the crisis to build a complete registry of possible enemies. Once we know all those factors that alter the topical skin, we can also identify how we can avoid, replace or evade them so that the outbreaks are more minor and less frequent.

The skin must always be hydrated.

Combating dry skin is essential to prevent outbreaks of atopic dermatitis. It is necessary to apply emollients or ointments between 2 and 3 times a day and, preferably, on wet skin. This way, the moisturizers act better because they penetrate more quickly into the deep layers of the dermis.

The creams must be free of perfume, alcohol, essences, dyes, or any other chemical component that can alter the skin condition. For this reason, it is most advisable to prefer those emollients that have been recommended by the medical specialist and that are dermatologically proven in atopic skin, that is, that they will not trigger an outbreak but, on the contrary, contain active ingredients and specific to prevent atopic dermatitis eruptions.

You can also use different types of moisturizers throughout the day if you are looking for a treatment that combines other effects on the skin. The frequency of applying these creams or gels will depend on the person’s daily needs; that is, every time it is noticed that the skin is beginning to dry out and lose its shine, a little emollient should be applied again.

  • The creams Omega 6 helps soften the skin and regenerate its protective barrier.
  • The Licochalcone A is an antioxidant that contains many creams for atopic dermatitis and is highly recommended to reduce swelling and redness.

The skin should not be rubbed.

Any friction can be abrasive for atopic skin, so one of the keys to preventing dermatitis is to avoid that the skin is in contact with certain rough fabrics or materials that can stimulate eruptions and increase, above all, the intensity of the itch. That occurs during outbreaks. To do this, we advise you:

  • Do not wring the skin with the towel after showering. The skin should be patted dry little by little, without rubbing it.
  • I prefer cotton garments and avoid fabrics such as linen, wool, lace, and sequins.
  • If you are going through an outbreak episode, it is crucial not to cover the skin but to leave it in the open air not to worsen the suppuration of the rash.
  • Avoid leaning on walls, furniture, or any other object that may be corrosive to the skin.
  • Even if the itching is very intense, it is necessary to control the urge to scratch, as this rubbing can further hurt the skin and make it bleed. If the itching is unbearable, it will be necessary to take some medicine to combat it.

Keeping the home dust-free

Among the factors that most affect atopic skin are dust and mites, both very invisible to the eye, but, in general, they are always present. For this reason, it is essential to clean the house every day to shake off the dust and mites that commonly accumulate on curtains, tablecloths, bedspreads, cushions, pictures, furniture, sheets, and closets.

On the market, there are mattresses and sheets made with unique materials that prevent mites and dust from accumulating on them. Getting this type of furniture is of great help in avoiding outbreaks of atopic dermatitis and preventing the skin from getting worse during episodes with the rubbing of bedding and mattresses. It is also advisable to remove the curtains from the room where we sleep, since of all the objects that can be found in a bedroom, the curtains are the ones that accumulate the most significant amount of dust.

Personal hygiene

Hygiene is essential to avoid atopic dermatitis. However, showers can be a severe problem if not taken correctly. It is not about compromising body hygiene but instead trying to shower for 5-10 minutes, as long baths can be harmful to the skin.

Likewise, the water temperature also matters; the ideal is that it is neither too hot nor cold, but relatively warm or preferably warm. Any exposure to very cold or hot temperatures is detrimental to atopic skin. Bubble baths are not allowed.

In the event of an outbreak, you can relieve the itching and symptoms using the treatments that we show you in the article Home remedies for atopic dermatitis.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Tips to prevent atopic dermatitis , we recommend that you enter our Skin, hair and nails category .

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