Home Skin CareBurns How to heal second degree burns

How to heal second degree burns

by Alivia Nyhan
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Burns are caused by contact with a source of heat, radiation, electricity, or any chemical substance. There are different burns, from the less severe, such as first degree, to the most difficult to treat, such as a third degree. Burns often take a long time to heal fully. However, second degree burns can significantly improve if they are adequately treated. In this FastlyHealarticle, we will explain how to heal second degree burns.

Symptoms of second degree burns

First, second, and third-degree burns (from less to more severe). Second-degree burns, also called partial-thickness burns, are of moderate severity and affect the epidermis (superficial layer) and part of the skin’s dermis (deep layer). There are second degree burns that are more superficial than others. If they are more profound, they will affect the skin’s sweat glands, and the skin will appear charred. To recognize a second degree burn, it should be noted if:

  • The skin is red or swollen.
  • The burn seems wet and shiny.
  • The burn is white and patchy.
  • There are blisters.
  • It hurt.

How to heal a minor second degree burn

Some burns are less severe, such as sun exposure or hot liquids. These burns often occur in the home. These types of burns usually heal in approximately a month, and it is not necessary to go to the emergency room or to the doctor to treat them. In this case, the treatment of second degree burns can be done with some simple care:

  • Apply cold compresses.
  • Keep the area elevated.
  • Avoid bumps or rubbing.
  • Nonstick bandages.
  • Aloe vera.
  • Take vitamin C to avoid cell damage.

What NOT to do in case of burn

  • Do not touch the skin or blisters.
  • If the burn is more severe, do not wet it with cold water.
  • Do not apply creams, oils, petroleum jelly, or ice.

When to see a doctor for a second degree burn

If the second degree burns are too extensive or have affected more deep layers of the skin, it will be necessary to go to the emergency room. Second-degree burns in a susceptible area of ​​the body (hands or genitals) or on the face should also receive special attention. To know if we should go to the doctor, it is essential to take into account these warning signs:

  • If the person suffers any other illness or injury.
  • If the burn is too extensive.
  • If the burn is deep or is in a delicate area.
  • If the burn has become infected.
  • If the burn does not heal or does not stop hurting.
  • If the burn is grayish and does not hurt.
  • If a chemical agent has caused the burn.

How to Heal Infected Second Degree Burns

If a burn has become infected, it is vital to see a doctor. It is important not to touch the affected area with your hands or leave it exposed without any protection, as the skin is susceptible. We will see if the burn looks like this:

  • The redness is very intense.
  • Presents pus.
  • It does not heal.
  • Pain is important.
  • Gives off an unpleasant odor.
  • There is a fever.

Typically, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics for a couple of weeks. In addition, to cure the infection, the doctor will apply the following measures:

  • He will clean the burn with saline solution.
  • You will disinfect it with chlorhexidine.
  • You will use a silver sulfadiazine barrier cream.
  • Cover the burn with nonstick gauze.
  • Provide a tetanus shot.
  • He will prescribe antibiotics and pain relievers.

In addition to this, it is essential to know that the bandages must be changed every 2 or 3 days, applying a protective and antibacterial cream again, which helps heal the wound.

How to Heal Second Degree Chemical Burns

Caustics and corrosives that cause severe burns are another frequent emergency consultation. These burns at first seem superficial and unimportant, similar to a mere irritation, but in a matter of days, they can worsen until they affect other more profound layers of the skin. This is because of the too low or too high PH they have, compared to our skin. Ammonia, bleach, sulfuric acid, and formaldehyde … are some of the best known and often used as cleaning products.

If the burn is not very serious, at home, we can take some measures:

  • Do not add any irritating product to the area.
  • Carry out washes with saline solution.
  • Wash the area with water.

Natural remedies for second degree burns

Phytotherapy is a natural alternative with many advantages to treating burns that are not so serious. Among your options, we find:

Pure aloe vera gel

Pure aloe vera gel is a perfect option to treat second-degree burns, as it is a realistic option and does not present any danger to the affected skin. In addition to relieving discomfort, thanks to its cooling effect, aloe vera is antiseptic and will dry up the blisters produced on the skin by the burn. In the following article, you can see how to use aloe vera to heal burns.

Berberine preparations

Berberine preparations to apply to the skin are a natural alternative to other conventional medical treatments, especially for second degree burns. Berberine is antimicrobial and prevents burns from becoming infected.

Fresh plantain leaves

Applying fresh leaves to this plant helps to relieve pain and regenerate the skin.

Calendula infusion pads

A compress soaked in cold calendula infusion will work as an analgesic.


Rosehip oil is perfect for helping improve the appearance of the skin once the burn has completely healed.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to heal second-degree burns , we recommend that you enter our Skin, Hair and Nails category .

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