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Home remedies to lower platelets

by Alivia Nyhan
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Thrombocytes, popularly known as platelets, are cells that are part of hemoglobin and play an essential role in blood clotting and the healing of broken tissues.

Typically, an adequate platelet count should be between 150,000 and 450,000. However, different conditions and disorders can increase or decrease them considerably, putting the person’s health at risk.

With medical approval and without serving as an excuse not to visit the hospital and perform the appropriate treatment, there are different home remedies for high platelets; then, we will tell you about them at FastlyHeal.

Causes of high platelets

Some different conditions and pathologies can cause a rise in platelets; below, we list what are the leading causes:

  • Viral or bacterial infections are the leading cause of high platelets. Through a correct diagnosis and with adequate treatment of the underlying infection, in a short time, they return to their normal levels.
  • to F OOD deficiency can also cause platelet levels to spike. If a balanced diet is not followed, a lack of iron can dangerously increase platelet production. If that is your case, we will explain how a diet for lack of iron should be in the following article.
  • The problems in the kidney, like nephrotic syndrome, cause excessive expulsion of nutrients in the urine. Therefore, the body accelerates the creation of platelets.
  • The exact cause is not known, but certain tumors cause an increase in platelet markers.
  • Other conditions such as major trauma or Kawasaki disease also manifest themselves by increasing the number of platelets.

In the following FastlyHealarticle we explain in depth all the possible causes of high platelets.

Symptoms of high platelets

As high platelets are usually caused by an underlying disease, the symptoms of that disease are usually more significant than the rise in platelets itself. In general, an increase in platelets that is not very high is asymptomatic and undetectable unless you undergo a specific test.

A widespread belief is that a high platelet value produces clotting and thrombi; However, it may be logical that the more platelets there are, the more the blood will be clotted; the truth is that a defect in its creation usually causes a high platelet level. In most cases, they do not fulfill their coagulant function, so it is more common to find excessive bleeding than thrombosis.

Another aspect that makes it challenging to diagnose high platelets unless you do a blood test is that the symptoms that it carries are prevalent with other conditions; however, here are the most frequent symptoms :

  • Intense or continuous headaches or headaches.
  • Feet and hands numb.
  • Bleeding on the skin and bruising without just cause.
  • The appearance of ulcers on the hands and feet.
  • When brushing the teeth, the gums bleed.
  • Myocardial infarction or thrombi in any other area of ​​the body.
  • Spontaneous nosebleeds .

I was wondering how to lower platelets? Here are some easy ways to lower platelet levels that you can try at home.

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba is an ancient tree from the Asian continent used in traditional Chinese medicine to prevent and heal many diseases. One of the conditions against which ginkgo Biloba is especially effective is when there is a rise in platelets; thanks to its high levels of antioxidants and terpenoids, it helps to liquefy the blood clots from forming.

Given its powerful properties, a doctor should be consulted before starting a treatment with ginkgo Biloba, as it may be contraindicated with other medications and influence their effect. The drugs with which it cannot be mixed are as common as ibuprofen, aspirin, antidepressants, fluoxetine, and anticonvulsants.

Ginkgo biloba also has contraindications; it should not be taken for:

  • People who already take anticoagulants because it is too and could cause a risk of bleeding.
  • Pregnant or women who are still breastfeeding.
  • Its stimulating power could aggravate this nervousness in people with anxiety, insomnia, or stress.
  • Due to its vasodilator properties, it is not recommended for women who have heavy menstruation.
  • People have epilepsy.


Like ginkgo Biloba, ginseng is also a plant of Asian origin that can be of great help in reducing platelet levels. Prized for its energizing effect, what is not so popular is its ability to lower platelet levels and its anticoagulant and antioxidant properties, thus preventing blood clots and cardiovascular accidents. Once again, we remind you that you must consult with your doctor before starting a treatment like this since it may not be indicated for you. Given its potent effects, ginseng intake is not recommended for:

  • Pregnant or nursing women.
  • Under 12 years old.
  • People who suffer from anxiety, nervousness, or insomnia as it is stimulating.
  • Patients with varicose veins or vascular diseases.
  • Hypertensive or patients with cardiovascular diseases, as this plant can increase blood pressure and intervene with medication to treat these conditions.
  • People with diabetes take medication as it can interfere with it.
  • Patients with thyroid problems.
  • Those with autoimmune diseases of any kind, such as lupus or HIV
  • . Organ transplants.
  • Those who ingest other stimulants such as coffee or tea.

Eat raw garlic

To the rest of the benefits of garlic for our health that you can find in our article, we must add its power as a reducer of the number of platelets in the blood. Its properties lie in its high allicin content, a component developed in garlic that acts as an anticoagulant and as a vasodilator. At this point, it must be clarified that if you want to enhance its effects, it is highly recommended that you eat raw garlic so that you will maximize its qualities.

Here are some practical tips for eating raw garlic without its robust flavor being a bother:

  • Mix a clove of garlic with water or juice as if it were a pill, and in this way, the liquid will reduce the robust flavor of the garlic.
  • Eat it as part of dishes that contain raw garlic or as part of a sauce: gazpacho, pesto sauce, aioli, and salads are very effective ways to integrate raw garlic; they are also delicious!
  • A trick to alleviate the strong taste of garlic is to eat cheese or drink a cup of milk after eating a tooth; another way is to chew parsley, which with its flavor will camouflage that of garlic.

Foods rich in omega 3

The properties of omega-three have been widely popularized in recent years; for the skin, the circulatory system, the vision, etc. In the following article, you can find all its benefits; what you may not know is that these foods rich in omega-three can be of great help to lower platelet levels. Here are some of these foods that you should not neglect in your diet:

  • Bluefish such as sardines, anchovies, salmon, or tuna.
  • Seafood; prawns, crab, or shrimp.
  • Vegetable oils such as walnut, hazelnut, or soy are high in omega 3.
  • Hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, and the rest of the nuts.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Home remedies to lower platelets , we recommend that you enter our category of Blood, heart and circulation .

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