Home Skin CareBurns First aid for burns

First aid for burns

by Alivia Nyhan
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Human skin is sensitive to specific agents, such as heat, cold, electricity, and chemicals. Indeed we have all suffered this type of injury, and usually, no matter how small the damaged area, the pain is typically intense, so we try to resort to a product or remedy to treat it. A burn is divided into three degrees depending on the affected layer of skin, generating more severe damage so that the treatment will vary. In some cases, urgent medical attention may be required. In this FastlyHealarticle, we explain first aid for burns so that you know how to react in case both you and someone around you suffer damage from this cause.

Classification of burns

Burns of the skin can be classified according to the depth with which they damage the tissues and the full extension of the body affected.

According to the depth

  • First-degree burn. Only the superficial layer of the skin, known as the epidermis, is damaged, due to which the affected area becomes red. This type of burn is usually caused by excessive contact with the sun. It is known as erythema.
  • Second-degree burn . They are also considered superficial, with the difference that they are a little deeper. In this type of burn, a painful blister usually appears, which appears to prevent infections, helping the wound to remain hydrated and facilitate healing. They are those that are generally produced by contact with materials that are at high temperatures, such as a boiling pot or the oven. It is known as flictenas.
  • Third-degree burn . All layers of the skin are affected, including the epidermis, the deepest layer. The skin is usually charred in this type of injury, presenting a black appearance. Unlike the previous ones, in these cases, the person does not present pain because the nerve endings have been destroyed.

According to the extension

Another factor that is taken into account when assessing a burn and its damage is the total amount of the body that has been damaged. This implies, for example, that a first-degree burn that has affected 80% of the body is considered of equal or greater severity than a second-degree burn that has affected 10%.

If your burns have not damaged a considerable extension, and they are of the first or second degree, we encourage you to consult some home remedies for burns.

First aid for burns

How you should act in front of a person who has suffered burns is not very different from any other accident. The first thing we must do is stop the source that has generated the burn.

  1. Reduce the severity of injuries by putting out the flames, removing the chemical on the skin, etc.
  2. Try to detect possible poisoning by inhaling gases from the smoke from the fire.
  3. Look for other possible injuries such as bleeding, fractures, etc. The most severe damage should preferably be treated.
  4. Remove all kinds of objects that can contain heat, such as clothing, jewelry, etc. Refresh the burned area by applying plenty of water, trying not to cool the patient due to the risk of hypothermia.
  5. Cover the burns with sterile gauze soaked in water without pressing excessively.
  6. Depending on the severity of the burns, you should see a doctor.

What not to do with a burn

As the previous actions can be helpful when reacting to burns, we must also know those actions that should not be carried out.

  • No substance should be applied to the burn other than water.
  • Do not cool the patient; try to cool the damaged area.
  • Water or medications should not be administered orally.
  • It would help if you did not break the blisters after second-degree burns since they protect us from infections.
  • Clothing or other objects caught on the skin should not be removed.
  • The victim should not be left alone. If we are going to seek help, you must come with us, as long as your condition allows it.
  • Flames must not be extinguished with water. The person should be made to roll on the ground or be covering them with a blanket.
  • It is necessary to go to a hospital as soon as possible since the more time passes, the greater the possibility that the affected person will suffer a shock.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to First aid for burns , we recommend that you enter our Skin, hair and nails category .

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