Home Heart healthArrhythmia Tachycardia: symptoms, causes and treatment

Tachycardia: symptoms, causes and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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When we speak of Tachycardia, we refer to the alteration of the heart rhythm that ranges between 100 and 400 beats per minute, depending on each patient. With such a fast pulse, the heart is unable to pump blood properly, and, therefore, the oxygen particles transmitted through the arteries do not reach the rest of the body well. This condition can occur in the upper area of ​​the heart. Then we call it by the name of ” atrial tachycardia,” or, also, it can happen in the lower area and is called ” ventricular Tachycardia. “

In this FastlyHealarticle, we will discover everything about Tachycardia so that you can learn to detect the symptoms. These causes can induce this condition, and the treatment must be followed to reduce its effects.

Symptoms of Tachycardia

By not pumping the heart correctly, the blood that reaches this vital organ cannot be distributed in a current way throughout the rest of the body, causing oxygen not to get to all parts. This can cause some effects to appear in the patient who will feel these symptoms of Tachycardia:

Palpitations: it is one of the most obvious signs that will indicate that you suffer from this condition. The person in question will feel the heartbeat in the chest, and the beat will feel very intense.

  • Syncope or fainting: another of the effects that can occur due to this alteration of the body is that the person loses consciousness because the blood pressure can drop suddenly because the oxygen does not arrive correctly. In these cases, the person will not feel any previous dizziness or weakness; they will fall to the ground and recover after a few seconds.
  • Breathing problems: another of the most frequent sensations related to Tachycardia is that you cannot breathe correctly because oxygen does not circulate normally. Therefore, you feel accelerated but ineffective breathing.
  • Dizziness and weakness: it is also a frequent sign because oxygen does not circulate well through the body; then, the blood pressure drops, and the patient feels much weaker and may even feel dizzy or sleepy.
  • Pain p Echo: vibrations related to the Tachycardia make the person suffering may feel chest tightness due to impaired heart rate.
  • Cardiac arrest is one of the most severe effects of this condition and is that Tachycardia can also lead to what is known as sudden death. To treat this condition, the immediate intervention of a doctor is essential, who will have to apply resuscitation maneuvers to activate the heart rhythm.

But there are not always symptoms that can indicate that we suffer from arrhythmias; in fact, there are many people who have an altered rhythm and are not aware of it; for this reason, from FastlyHealwe urge that all people undergo annual medical examinations to be able to control their health and rule out any condition.

Causes of Tachycardia

But why does Tachycardia appear? Therefore, different factors can alter the heart rhythm and cause this condition to occur. Next, we are going to detail the most frequent causes:

  • Heart diseases

You may develop Tachycardia as a sign of another condition related to heart health; In this way, it is possible that in cases of having high blood pressure or other diseases, the pulse increases and, therefore, the palpitations and other symptoms that we have already mentioned previously appear.

  • Hereditary causes

Genetic factors can also be related to this condition, especially if a relative has previously suffered from tachycardias, has suffered from heart attacks, or has some type of abnormality in the heart’s impulses.

  • Tobacco, alcohol, and drugs

The harmful substances that these drugs contribute to our body cause the arteries to become clogged, and the blood does not flow normally; In addition, there are some drugs (such as marijuana or cocaine) that accelerate the heart rate.

  • Hyperthyroidism

It is also possible that this condition is suffered as a side effect of this other thyroid-related disease. In this sense, it will be essential that you treat yourself for the first condition; then, the symptoms that derive from it will subside.

  • Drug reactions

There are some medicines that, depending on the patient who takes it, can produce a reaction, such as an alteration of the heartbeat. In this case, you must go to the doctor so that they can tell you how to replace the medicine so that your health is not affected.

Treatment for Tachycardia

Once you detect that you have Tachycardia, the first thing you should do is go to the doctor. It is essential that a professional perform a detailed examination, evaluate your condition, and can establish the best way to treat this condition. It would help if you remembered that not all tachycardias are the same or present with the same intensity. Therefore, you must follow the guidelines set by an expert.

The most common is that you are prescribed a medicine that is indicated to lower arrhythmias and that, in addition, also regulates the ionic salts that are in the cells. This is how you can control the heart’s electrical impulses and, therefore, reduce palpitations. There are different brands of medications, so at FastlyHealwe recommend that you take the one indicated by your doctor.

One medical technique used to alleviate the symptoms of this condition is radiofrequency. Before subjecting any patient to this treatment, a heart study must be carried out to verify what is failing and, thus, to be able to restore the electrical impulse that does not work through shocks.

Another way that exists to control this condition is with electrical cardioversion, that is, a type of shock that is performed in the heart and that manages to reduce arrhythmias by normalizing the pulse. This method is done promptly and at times of high severity when the patient is having a heart attack or crisis.

To treat Tachycardia definitively, the ICD is usually placed, that is, a pacemaker that detects arrhythmias, and when the heart fails, the device releases a small electric shock that gives impulse to the organ again. If it is not enough, the more traditional pacemaker can be inserted.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Tachycardia: symptoms, causes and treatment , we recommend that you enter our category of Blood, heart and circulation .

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