Home Teeth and mouthTemporomandibular joint disorder Why does my jaw ring when I open my mouth

Why does my jaw ring when I open my mouth

by Alivia Nyhan
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A joint refers in general terms to the union of two elements and its main function is to generate movements from this union. In the human body, there are a series of joints responsible for multiple movements and that also achieve with the help of other elements, such as cartilage, synovial membrane, ligaments, menisci and others, generate their function. One of the most used joints for everyone and that fulfills many functions is the temporomandibular joint , known by the acronym TMJ, which is what allows the opening and closing movements of the mouth, in addition to moving it in other directions. This joint, like all of them, can suffer alterations with different manifestations. Next, in this FastlyHealarticle, we will answer the question why when I open my mouth my jaw rings.

What is the temporomandibular joint

It is a joint formed by the union of the temporal bone of the head and the condyle of the jaw and is found on both sides of the head. The TMJ allows the usual opening and closing movements of the mouth , in addition to the movement of the jaw to the sides, back and forth, which it does with the help of muscles, ligaments, menisci and structures in that region.

It is a widely used joint because thanks to it we talk, chew, yawn, swallow , among other functions. In both joints it is possible to articulate thanks to the condyle, which is a structure located on the upper edge of the mandible and which actively participates during mandibular movements. Just above the condyle, there is a structure called the articular disc, which allows the joint to move harmoniously as it moves alongside the condyle to cushion friction and impact on the bone.

Why does my jaw click when I open my mouth

The noises of the jaw is not a normal condition with respect to the articular function and is the most common manifestation of alterations in this joint. Many times, they are given the name of snapping, cracking or clicking, seeking to describe the type of noise that is heard or felt. Generally, it is the dentist who detects this problem during the examinations evaluating a patient, although the patient can also feel or hear it, in which case they must attend a consultation with their dentist to diagnose and treat it.

The creaking of the jaw originates when there is a disorder in the function of the TMJ , that is, its usual opening and closing movement is altered by the presence of a dysfunction that produces an inadequate movement of the articular disc. This may be due to a delay in its movement, which is then compensated by a rapid movement producing a snap or click, or the definitive absence of its movement, so that there is a friction between the two bones of the joint, producing a crunch.

Jaw noise may be accompanied by other symptoms , such as pain in the head or facial muscles when yawning, chewing, denture modification, and in more advanced cases, the jaw may become locked when opened wide , as in a yawn for example.

The fact that the jaw sounds when opening the mouth has been associated with a series of well-known factors, such as:

  • Inappropriate bite.
  • After using orthodontics due to the modification in the alignment of the teeth.
  • Stress .
  • Bruxism (grinding of the teeth, especially when sleeping).
  • Inappropriate postures that strain the muscles of the neck and face.
  • Arthritis .
  • Fractures
  • Dislocations.
  • Skeletal problems.

What to do if my jaw pops when I open my mouth

Now that we know what the possible causes that answer the question of “why when I open my mouth make my jaw click”, let’s see what to do about it.

For this dysfunction, there is no single treatment due to how complicated it is to restore normality to the function of this joint. The treatment to be followed is indicated by a dentist , preferably specialized in the TMJ area, and is often focused on controlling the symptoms that accompany the alteration, for which the most common is:

  • Relieve jaw pain produced through heat therapy for 20 minutes with the intention of eliminating muscle spasm and applying cold for at least 10 minutes.
  • Administration of muscle relaxants.
  • Administration of over-the-counter anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs.
  • Use of devices called splints or bite plates to prevent teeth grinding and bring the condyle of the jaw to a more suitable position.
  • Controlling stress.
  • Apply relaxation techniques provided by the dentist.
  • Surgical intervention in severe cases when the alteration persists for a long time, conservative treatments have not had any effect and the problem is of considerable intensity.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why does my jaw sound when I open my mouth , we recommend that you enter our Teeth and Mouth category .

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