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Why is one eye bigger than the other?

by Alivia Nyhan
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Do you notice that your eyes are different? Do you think there is a difference in size between the two? There are many reasons why you may see something different about them. The most common causes of ophthalmic asymmetry can be involvement of the eyelids, problems in specific nerves of one eye, inflammation, and even problems with the paranasal sinuses.

If you are interested in learning more about this topic and want to know why one eye is bigger than the other, keep reading this interesting article by FastlyHeal .

Eyelid problems

The eyelids are the folds of skin that cover both eyes, both above and below. On some occasions, these can be affected only on one side of the face; it will be when you notice some asymmetry between the two eyes. The problems that can frequently cause only one eyelid to be affected in this way are:

Facial paralysis

The middle muscles of the face are usually affected; sometimes, the eyelids are affected, and sometimes not. If this happens, you will notice that the one on the affected side will be lower, and you will not usually be able to move it. You may also notice drooling or tearing.

It is a medical emergency and, therefore, you should go immediately to a health center. Medical studies are necessary to know the origin and, according to this, will be the treatment. Sometimes the cause is viral and should only be expected; other times, it is vascular and may require more complex measures such as medication for the heart, hypertension, and even surgeries.


If you have suffered an injury to the skin of the eyelid and it is retracted, you may notice that one eye is larger than the other. In that case, it is necessary to evaluate your case. Sometimes it can be corrected with physical therapy, others with drugs, and, in some cases, with surgery.

Droopy eyelid due to flaccidity of the tissues

In this case, the problem is that the eyelid tissues have lost their elasticity, so they are more sagging. It usually happens in both eyes, but it can be more noticeable in one.

In that case, the most important thing is prevention with moisturizing oils and creams, since when the skin is more sagging, surgical treatment is usually required to correct it.

Abnormal growths

Some tumors, warts, lipomas, and tissues of different origins can grow in the eyelid area. This can cause the eyelid to roll back and droop.

The critical thing, in this case, is to evaluate each case, in particular, to know what the problem is about and thus find the best solution. Sometimes, it can be a minimal surgery; others, the application of local medication. It is essential to evaluate the possible scars at the site so that the problem is not even more significant.

Congenital ectropion or eyelid ptosis

If the problem is seen from birth, it is called congenital. Sometimes it occurs along with other malformations. If the problem is very significant, a surgical correction may be needed.


The swelling of one eyelid, known as blepharitis, may cause a marked asymmetry between the two eyes. Among the most common reasons are:

  • Rosacea .
  • Allergy.
  • Dandruff.
  • Stye .
  • Glandular obstruction in the eyelid.

In these cases, you can also feel heat and pain in the area and see it redder and swollen. In addition, there may be peeling, eye redness, burning, tearing, eyelash loss, abnormal eyelash growth, and discomfort in light.

Treatment in these cases will depend on the cause. In general, I advise you:

  • Avoid irritating substances and cosmetics.
  • Avoid touching the eye.
  • Wash your hands after touching the affected eyelid.
  • Avoid consuming foods that are difficult to digest and irritants such as tobacco, alcohol, or coffee.
  • It may be necessary to apply an antibiotic if necessary. For which it is essential to receive the appropriate professional diagnosis.

Problems in the nerves of one eye

The nerves of the eyes can be affected by various problems in the area near the eye and other sites further away. This problem known as Horner Syndrome manifests itself with:

  • I am shrinking one of the pupils.
  • They are drooping of an eyelid.
  • Less sweat on the neck and head.

This rare problem can be seen in various health conditions such as cervical adenopathy, cervical or upper chest area trauma, diseases that affect the aorta, and even lung tumor.

Treatment will be aimed at the cause of the problem, for which it is essential to reach a proper diagnosis.

Ocular asymmetry at birth

At birth or during early childhood, different alterations in the conformation of the head may manifest. This makes it possible to observe or appear that one eye is larger than the other.

This can be caused by genetic causes or external factors (such as the position of the head in the womb or the baby’s crib).

The key in these cases is to study the particular case and even evaluate how it has been modified, or not, over time. Sometimes surgery may be required to correct a pronounced condition.

Rhinosinus problems

Chronic rhinosinusitis that affects the paranasal sinuses on one side of the face can cause changes in the conformation of the face. Sometimes the problem is caused by the accumulation of secretions in a single breast, a situation known as a mucocele.

In other cases, there is negative pressure in a breast, and that causes its bony walls to collapse. Then. The nearby eye will appear more “sunken” than the other, a problem medically known as enophthalmos.

Treatment should aim to resolve the problem in the nose and sinuses. Often this is enough to give the face a look similar to what it used to be. Sometimes other surgical corrections are necessary.

Grasshopper eye or unilateral exophthalmos

Some problems near the eye can cause the eye to extrude or come out. It often happens in both eyes simultaneously, but on certain occasions, it can occur unilaterally.

You may feel that you cannot close your eye well and it is dry.

It is possible to observe it in pathologies such as pituitary adenoma or Osler’s disease.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why does one eye look more significant than another, we recommend that you enter our Eyes and Vision category .

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