Home Digestive systemIndigestion What to eat after stomach indigestion

What to eat after stomach indigestion

by Alivia Nyhan
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Stomach indigestion is a gastric discomfort that occurs mainly due to the ingestion of large amounts of fatty foods, especially when accompanied by alcohol, or tobacco, when devoured, or when you are very low stress. It usually produces burning, pain, a feeling of fullness, and swelling in the region that corresponds to the stomach, which can be of greater or lesser intensity in each person. Although there are people who suffer from this condition regularly due to a predisposition to it, we are all susceptible to suffering from indigestion.

It is essential, therefore, to have different alternatives that we can choose to achieve timely relief from stomach indigestion, so in this FastlyHealarticle, we will give you some tips on what to eat after stomach indigestion.

Fruits to eat after indigestion

There is evidence that potassium levels can improve the symptoms of upset stomachs, which is why banana is a highly recommended food for those who suffer from indigestion.

For its part, melon has components called papain and chymopapain in its composition, which can accelerate the protein digestion process, preventing digestion from becoming long and heavy, thus alleviating stomach symptoms.

The apple is a fruit very rich in fibers, characterized by having the ability to cleanse the digestive system as it passes through it, so it can be pretty beneficial to eat an apple after stomach indigestion. It is essential to eat the apple without discarding its skin since it contains many benefits and most of the fiber.

Like melon, pineapple is a fruit with enzymes capable of accelerating the protein digestion process, so it can be very convenient to eat or drink pineapple juice after each meal when suffering indigestion. However, it is best to consume it during the meal, accompanying the foods that may cause stomach problems.

Chamomile or cinnamon infusions

When you suffer from indigestion, preparing a chamomile tea or an infusion of cinnamon can be pretty soothing. In this situation, these preparations can improve the symptoms of pain and nausea at a reasonably convenient speed, thanks to the properties that these plants possess.

The camomile has digestive, antispasmodic properties, antiinflammatory, and that can reduce both pain and bloating and gas, doing much lighter digestions. For its part, cinnamon is a natural antacid capable of neutralizing the stomach’s juices.

Home remedy for indigestion: baking soda

This is probably one of the most used home remedies to treat heartburn and the other common symptoms of heavy digestion. This popularity is because sodium bicarbonate is the same component that gastric mucus contains to protect the stomach from its acid secretions.

Therefore, when symptoms of stomach indigestion occur, drinking a glass of water with half a teaspoon of baking soda can neutralize stomach acids and thus relieve symptoms of stomach indigestion.

Ginger against dyspepsia

Ginger can stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, which is why the digestion process is accelerated. To take full advantage of this root’s properties, it is recommended to chew one or two slices of ginger with a bit of salt or prepare a ginger tea to alleviate the symptoms of stomach indigestion after each heavy meal.

Yogurt for poor digestion

It is well known that yogurts are a convenient food for gastrointestinal problems since their composition includes certain bacteria that can restore intestinal flora and improve its altered functions. Among the properties of yogurt is that of alleviating the symptoms of indigestion, in addition to being exceptionally well tolerated, even by those people who do not usually digest lactose well.

In addition, if we consider that most people do not consume the necessary minimum of dairy products, recommending the consumption of yogurt after meals – better skimmed – can be beneficial for the whole organism.

Lemon juice for heavy digestion

It can be very convenient to consume the juice of half a lemon diluted in a glass of warm water, which significantly alleviates the symptoms of indigestion thanks to its sedative and antispasmodic properties.

To this preparation, bicarbonate can also be added in the way mentioned above to enhance the effects of both products.

Seeds: remedy for indigestion

Whether they are anise, dill, fennel, or caraway, the mixed seeds can be pretty convenient for avoiding the appearance of indigestion thanks to the action of the multiple essential oils that these seeds contain. The way to ingest them should be to mix them well and chew slowly after a heavy meal to prevent the appearance of an upset stomach.

Cumin, another remedy for indigestion

Cumin is an ideal condiment for people who suffer from recurrent indigestion. It can stimulate the secretion of bile, which is responsible for digesting fats, which are generally one of the main culprits of indigestion. Using it frequently in food preparation will decrease the frequency of indigestion.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to What to eat after stomach indigestion , we recommend that you enter our Digestive System category .

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