One of the dilemmas of all mothers is how to help the baby eliminate gas, and that is whether you are a first time or not; all children are different, some take them out more quickly, and others take their time. The most important thing to help the little one get rid of the annoying gases is to keep him in a correct posture that stimulates the exit of the gas; however, sometimes that does not work, and we fall into despair.
Fortunately, there are several tricks to remove gas from a baby that can help your child expel more quickly and efficiently all the accumulated air and find relief from his discomfort. Do you want to know what they are? So we invite you to continue reading this FastlyHealarticle, where we also explain why it is essential to remove gases from a baby.
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Why it is essential to pass gases to a baby
Babies’ stomach gases are like those of adults and are eliminated as burps, an air that must be expelled to get relief, which is part of a normal process.
Newborns, at first, may have some difficulty sucking correctly, causing them to suck in and swallow a large amount of air while they are drinking breast milk. This air that accumulates in their digestive tract causes discomfort, irritation, and discomfort, so the baby does not know what to do to eliminate said air and begins to cry.
To prevent the air accumulated in the stomach from causing discomfort and discomfort to the little one, it is necessary that as soon as the newborn finishes drinking milk, it is stimulated to remove gases since they are so small that it is often difficult for them to do it alone.
It is also expected that the little one continues to have gas after the newborn stage, although he is already sucking well. The reason is that during the first year of life, there are significant changes in the diet. Usually, infants switch from breast milk to formula milk as part of a diversified or grower diet and also begin to eat certain solid foods. These modifications mean that the digestive system has to adapt, and, in this process, it is easy for gas to be produced.
If you feed your baby with follow-on preparations as part of a diversified diet, it is essential that when preparing the bottle, you shake it only as much as necessary so that the powder mixes with the water, thus avoiding the excessive formation of bubbles. Air in the baby’s milk will help reduce the chance of gas.
It is also essential that the nipple of the bottle is always filled with milk so that the baby does not swallow air. Likewise, it is advisable to administer the bottle with the little one slightly incorporated and take small pauses from time to time so that the child has the opportunity to burp if he wishes.
Considerations about passing gas to a baby
During passing gas after eating, various circumstances may concern the mother but do not represent any risk. So when practicing the tricks to get the gas out of a baby, keep the following in mind:
- Not all gases sound . If you have been helping your baby expel the gases for a while and you are worried because you have not heard the first breath, calm down; probably this time, their gases have been silent.
- It is unnecessary to spend half an hour taking the gases out of the baby, with which you stimulate him for 10 minutes is more than enough.
- There is no rule for how often you should stimulate the baby. You can do this when changing from one breast to another or in the middle of the bottle as part of a diversified diet. The actual alarm that you should help him expel the gases will be given to you by himself when he complains or has discomfort; if he is calm and eats fluently, it is not necessary to interrupt him.
A lot of gas is accompanied by a bit of milk, which is expected because it indicates that the baby’s digestive tract is not yet fully mature, which can cause the stomach “door” sometimes to stay open. The regurgitation of a baby is not always a reference that he is suffering from reflux.
Tricks to remove gases from a baby: put him on his stomach.
To carry out this position, the child should be laid face down on one arm and stimulated in the back to remove gases with the other arm. This position allows the baby’s abdomen to put pressure on the adult’s arm that supports it and therefore stimulates the expulsion of gases. For this trick to be effective, it is essential that the baby stays with his head a little higher than the rest of his body, forming a diagonal line that helps the gas come out more quickly. Rocking your baby in this position while patting him on the back will also help pass gas.
Do the bicycle exercise
This is one of the best tricks to remove gas from a baby, and very few people know about it: lay your baby on his back on the bed and, holding his ankles while bringing his knees towards his abdomen, gently exert a little pressure. Then gently stretch your legs back to the starting position and repeat this movement several times. Another way to stimulate the expulsion of gases in this position is to hold both legs and play gently with them as if the baby were pedaling a bicycle.
The traditional trick for a baby to pass gas
The most common way to get rid of gas is to hold the baby and lay him upright on your chest so that his head is at your shoulder level. In this position and with your remaining arm, pat her back to stimulate the burp. Remember to place a bib on your shoulder so that you do not get dirty if the baby expels a little milk.
Massages to remove gases
Another very effective way to make a baby pass gas is to massage his abdomen. Lay him on his back on the bed, lower his diaper a little and begin to massage his navel, drawing circles in a clockwise direction and opening the processes as you a massage. Before doing this trick to remove gases, remember to rub your hands so that they are warm and your skin temperature is not unpleasant.
Feel it on your legs
Another efficient way to help a baby pass gas is to sit him upright on your lap, supporting his chin and patting him on the back. This position is recommended for babies at least six months old, who have developed more excellent muscle tone, and can sit comfortably without rocking. If your baby is less than six months old, opt for any of the above tricks to avoid injury to his back and neck.
Also, if your baby suffers from colic, consult your pediatrician, and you can learn more in the article How to relieve colic in babies.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Tricks to remove gases from a baby , we recommend that you enter our Pregnancy and baby health category .

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.