Primary teeth or also called milk teeth are just as important in terms of function and aesthetics as permanent teeth. It is normal that when they appear, the child has irritation or discomfort in the gums, which are the soft tissues that surround them. When the child turns 3 years old, he already has 20 teeth in his mouth, which perform a chewing function, help him to speak and smile. If the child loses a baby tooth prematurely, there is a good chance that the eruption process of his permanent tooth will be disturbed, altering its position or holding the tooth under the gum. The main cause of early loss of baby teeth is due to decay, which is a very common problem and yet very few parents really know why it occurs and what is its treatment.what is the treatment for cavities in baby teeth , so you will know what protocol to follow to avoid these problems.
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What are cavities
Tooth decay is an oral disease whose main characteristic is the destruction of the hard tissues of the teeth as a result of the acid produced by plaque bacteria, present on dental surfaces.
The presence of tooth decay is associated with the habits that both adults and children have, it may be due to the way we eat, dental care habits, the frequency of brushing, the presence of fluoride in the water and, in case of babies, the consumption of milk in a bottle with sugar.
The first cavities in milk teeth can occur at the moment in which the teeth erupt in the child, and these are also called “bottle caries” and are caused by the presence of sugar in the milk of the bottle, which does not It is recommended because the baby is favored to present cavities in the milk teeth.
Caries in milk teeth can also occur due to their susceptibility to cavities and due to time, that is, the time it takes parents to pay attention and implement the oral hygiene methods they need; in addition to the time in which the milk teeth have been exposed to the acids present.
Prevention of cavities in baby teeth
The best prevention method consists of adequate oral hygiene in the child. During the first year of life, it is enough to apply a damp gauze to the tooth surfaces. By the second year, the toothbrush is introduced together with a toothpaste under the supervision of the parents. It is important that parents instill knowledge and teach their children proper brushing technique.
It is recommended not to give a bottle with sugar, nor to substitute water for drinks that contain sugar, in addition to that parents should regulate the way their children eat sweets to avoid the appearance of cavities in the milk teeth.
Treatment for cavities in baby teeth
The treatment for cavities in milk teeth is basically the same as in adults, it consists of eliminating the irritating agent to later be restored, however, it will depend on the degree of progression. That is why the treatment depends on the specialist in this area, which is the dentist, mainly the pediatric dentist. Depending on the progress, you may consider the protocol to follow, which is:
First, if the child is prone to cavities, the dentist may consider applying a fluoride topification to prevent demineralization of the enamel and strengthen the teeth.
In other cases, when the caries has already pigmented and has not spread to the pulp, the dentist, together with the rotary instruments, will remove the caries to later be restored with a restorative material that lasts long enough in the mouth until permanent tooth eruption, like resin. Manual instruments are sometimes recommended instead of rotary ones, especially for nervous children or when the decay is very close to the pulp of the tooth.
When caries in milk teeth has advanced significantly and spreads to the pulp, an important element in the vitality of the tooth, the dentist will perform a pulpotomy or pulpetomy depending on the progression of the lesion, which consists of eliminating the irritating agent as well. that affects the nerve of the tooth and fill with a material that persists in the mouth and helps the tooth keep its space. It is a root canal that is performed on primary teeth, but far from that performed on permanent teeth.
Occasionally, decay advances enough to destroy practically the entire tooth and becomes a source of bacteria that in the long run will only cause problems for the child, so removal of the tooth should be considered. In case it is not the moment in which the tooth must be lost and the adjacent tooth still does not approach, the dentist will use appliances in the child to place a device called “space maintainer”, which are provisional crowns that will comply the function of the lost tooth to conserve space and avoid future problems due to early tooth loss, such as tooth crowding.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Treatment for cavities in milk teeth , we recommend that you enter our category of Teeth and mouth .

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.