Home Endocrine systemThyroid diseases Symptoms of thyroid problems you should know

Symptoms of thyroid problems you should know

by Alivia Nyhan
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The thyroid is a gland shaped like a butterfly located in the lower part of the neck, just below Adam’s apple. This gland performs essential functions in the body, as it regulates the rhythm of many activities of the body, which constitute the process of metabolism. Therefore, when its operation is not correct, it is possible to present different physical and emotional disorders that should be controlled and treated medically to avoid complications and severe health problems. The primary thyroid diseases include hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, goiter, nodules, and thyroid cancer, and to start treatment as early as possible, it is vital to recognize symptoms as soon as possible. Keep reading this FastlyHealarticle and discover what all those are symptoms of Thyroid Problems You Should Know About.

Thyroid gland functions

The thyroid gland secretes the thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which are responsible for regulating the metabolism and function of the various organs, which is why they are significant for the proper performance of the body’s physiological activities.

Thyroid hormones are critical to average cell growth and affect heart rate, energy and heat production, body weight, muscle strength, cognitive functions, and cholesterol levels. All this is that when you suffer from thyroid disease, many parts of the body can be damaged, and various body functions can be altered. Discover below all those symptoms that may indicate that something is not working well in the thyroid, which should be a reason for medical consultation.

Constant tiredness or fatigue

When the thyroid gland is not working correctly and is not producing enough thyroid hormone, hypothyroidism, you can feel constantly and continually fatigued in your day-to-day life. If there is a problem with the thyroid, this exhaustion will be a reality that will haunt you every day, even if you have slept enough hours (between 7 and 8 hours a day) or have stopped to rest and take a nap.

Remember that the thyroid gland plays a fundamental role in the body’s vital rhythm, energy levels, and muscle strength, so suffering from chronic exhaustion can indicate that it is not working correctly. Significant weight changes

Other symptoms that those suffering from thyroid disease can show are those related to weight changes, whether there is a sudden increase or loss of weight, and no apparent reason. The thyroid is responsible for regulating the body’s metabolism, which is why it is involved in the process by which the body burns the calories ingested.

If what is observed is a significant increase in weight and the inability to lose those kilos, it could be hypothyroidism. On the contrary, losing weight could be a sign of hyperthyroidism, which occurs when the thyroid produces a more significant amount of thyroid hormone than the body needs.

Changes in mood and cognitive problems

Whether you suffer from hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, one of the common symptoms is changes on an emotional level. Thyroid problems cause hormonal disorders, leading to sudden mood swings, low mood, distress, sadness, anxiety, and even depression.

Suppose, despite receiving treatment for depression, you cannot overcome the situation and continue to feel depressed. In that case, you should consult your doctor again and make sure that your thyroid works correctly.

By performing various functions in the body, a reduction in the production of thyroid hormones can also lead to memory problems and difficulties in staying focused.

Muscle pains

The muscle pain sudden can be a sign that the thyroid produces hormones. In addition to these, hypothyroidism can also lead to joint pain, tendonitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

However, it should be noted that these body pains can be symptoms of many other conditions, so it will be necessary to consider the other symptoms that appear and go to the doctor to check the state of the thyroid gland.

Changes in body temperature, skin, and hair

As we have discussed previously, one of the functions of the thyroid gland is to regulate body temperature, thus helping the body maintain the appropriate level of heat. Therefore, when you have a lower temperature than usual, you feel cold in your body when others do not feel it or your hands and feet are usually hard. It can indicate problems in the thyroid and the functioning of the metabolism.

On the other hand, hypothyroidism is a disease that can cause alterations in the appearance of the skin, becoming drier and rougher, and in the hair, causing especially dryness and excessive loss. Likewise, it is also possible to see cracks in the nails.

Sore throat and hoarseness

If the thyroid gland becomes inflamed or enlarged, a condition is known medically as goiter. The patient may have symptoms such as sore throats, cough, hoarseness, and swallowing problems, among others.

In addition, in some cases, it is possible that when you touch the neck, you may notice the presence of a lump in the front.

Alterations in menstruation

The problems in the thyroid involve an alteration in the metabolism of the body, including the metabolism of sex hormones. They, therefore, can observe an impact on ovarian function, testicular and reproductive.

Especially in the case of women, thyroid diseases can cause alterations in their menstrual cycles, presenting from irregular periods to a more or less abundant menstrual flow than usual and more painful periods. In addition, if the hormones that regulate ovulation lose their secretion rhythms, a failure in the ovulation process may occur. Consult with your gynecologist if you notice significant changes in your menstruation.

Constipation or diarrhea

Finally, other symptoms that can indicate thyroid problems are suffering from constipation or diarrhea. This happens because the digestive system cannot properly absorb the nutrients from the consumed food, and neither does it adequately eliminate all waste through the digestive tract.

In the case of hypothyroidism, you usually suffer from constipation. When you suffer from hyperthyroidism, on the contrary, you have more desire to go to the bathroom, and diarrhea may occur.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Symptoms of thyroid problems that you should know about, we recommend entering our Endocrine System category.

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