Home Digestive systemAbdominal pain Stomach pain after eating: causes

Stomach pain after eating: causes

by Alivia Nyhan
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Feeling pain, bloating, and discomfort in the abdominal area, stomach, and intestines after eating or while eating can be symptoms of various conditions and pathologies. Often, the conditions that affect the digestive system are tough to diagnose since the symptoms are similar in many diseases.

We must analyze and monitor the diet we eat to detect and help determine the specialist’s diagnosis. Now, from FastlyHealwe want to make your task easier, that’s why we bring you this article in which we will talk about stomach pain after eating: causes.

Dyspepsia, stomach pain right after eating

Stomach pain and indigestion are prevalent conditions, which usually go away after a few hours. Now, if this pain is not relieved over time or we observe that it recurs very frequently, it is essential to visit a specialist to perform the necessary tests and diagnose the problem.

Dyspepsia or indigestion are caused by the consumption of food, by eating, and have symptoms that are usually:

  • Sickness
  • Abdominal distension
  • General discomfort
  • Pain in the pit of the stomach
  • Abdominal pain
  • Gases

Suppose these are isolated cases and separated in time. They should not be given greater importance; it is customary to suffer some indigestion, either from overeating or eating certain products. Still, when it occurs regularly, you must pay attention that it is not any of the conditions we will explain below.

Tummy pain after eating from bad habits

If we have bad eating habits and we follow the same every day, it is normal for our stomach to have difficulties digesting food, something that will result in stomach pain every time we eat. Below we will name some of the mistakes that you may be making and that can cause you to have a tummy ache:

  • Eat a lot.
  • Drinking too much caffeine
  • Eat very fast.
  • Eat without chewing.
  • Drink alcohol.
  • Eat spicy foods.
  • Eat fatty foods.
  • Lie down after eating.
  • Do physical exertion right after eating.

If you feel identified with any of these points, it is time to make some changes in your lifestyle to prevent what is now a stomach ache from turning into a more severe illness.

My stomach hurts after eating: Hiatal hernia.

When we eat food, it passes from the oral cavity to the esophagus and later reaches the stomach. The esophagus is in the thorax and the stomach in the abdomen; these two areas are separated by a diaphragm muscle, but they communicate through a hole called the hiatus.

Hiatal hernia is when the upper stomach area slides from the abdomen to the chest, which occurs in almost 20% of the population. However, this condition is asymptomatic for many people, making it very difficult to precisely know who suffers from a hernia.

However, those people who do experience symptoms have the following symptoms:

  • Acidity
  • Abdominal pain
  • Swallowing problems
  • Dry cough
  • Sore throat

All this happens because the hiatal hernia favors gastroesophageal reflux, causing the stomach contents to return to the esophagus and irritate it, apart from making it difficult for proper digestion. These symptoms and stomach pain occur while eating and afterward.

Belly pain every time I eat from anxiety.

If you suffer from anxiety or a period of nervousness, it is normal for this discomfort to move towards your stomach and make it difficult for you to digest. These anxiety symptoms can range from simple abdominal pain or poor appetite to vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. It is essential to treat it because it can lead to physical diseases such as gastritis if it is not remedied.

In addition, anxiety affects us a lot when it comes to eating. An anxious person eats faster, chewing less and in more significant quantities. In addition, this condition is also associated with having a preference for more fatty and sweetened foods.

Many factors can cause anxiety, phobias, or nerves, but if they last over time or occur too frequently, our stomach can be agitated. A good idea may be to follow the tricks to cure anxiety that we explain in FastlyHealarticle.

Crohn’s disease: tummy pain and diarrhea

Crohn’s disease is a condition that can affect any part of the digestive system, from the mouth to the anus, and manifests itself as a chronic inflammatory process. Your symptoms can appear intermittently, recurrently, or go years without appearing. In addition, as it can occur in any area of ​​the digestive system, the symptoms from one person to another can be very different. Here we explain which are the most common:

  • Colic
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Weightloss
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Anal pain or discharge
  • Skin lesions
  • Rectal abscess
  • Fissure
  • Joint pain

How to avoid stomach pain while eating

The first thing you should do if these stomach pains are recurrent is to visit a doctor so that he can make a correct diagnosis and you can start appropriate treatment for your case. However, there are a series of tips that you should keep in mind, as they can alleviate your pain while facilitating your digestion:

  • Chew correctly; good chewing is essential so that the stomach does not need extra work.
  • Do not overeat.
  • Do not drink a lot during the meal; the liquid dilutes the stomach acids, making proper digestion difficult.
  • Manage stress and anxiety.
  • Take any of the following infusions to improve digestion.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Stomach pain after eating: causes , we recommend that you enter our Digestive system category .

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