Post-traumatic stress disorder falls within the classification of anxiety disorders and generally occurs after experiencing a traumatic situation. Feeling fear is a survival mechanism, which allows us to react effectively to adverse situations, so being afraid can be considered normal. However, if the fear persists for weeks or months and upsets you emotionally, it is necessary to visit your doctor to determine the cause of it. At FastlyHealwe explain the causes and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder .
Table of Contents
Causes of PTSD
Psychologists do not know the reason why, having experienced a traumatic situation, this disorder is generated. Not all people who have gone through these events develop post-traumatic stress, everything will depend on their genes, emotions and the family environment in which they have developed. When we experience a traumatic event, our body usually recovers and the hormones and chemicals that regulate stress return to their normal levels, a person with PTSD continues to secrete these substances.
Events that can cause PTSD are:
- Accidents
- Diseases.
- Emotional trauma.
- Domestic violence
- Violations.
- Death.
- Natural disasters.
- War.
Symptoms of PTSD
Post-traumatic stress disorder can occur at any age and the symptoms that occur are divided into four types:
Relive the fact
- Repetitive and distressing memories of the event.
- Nightmares about the fact.
- Disproportionate reactions to events that recall the traumatic experience.
- Emotional numbness.
- Indifference.
- You do not remember relevant aspects of the event.
- Expression in your moods.
- Avoid people, places or things that remember the event.
- Lack of interest in activities that generated satisfaction.
- Feeling of an uncertain future.
- Exaggerated vigilance of the place where you are.
- Lack of concentration.
- Irritability or outbursts of anger.
- Insomnia.
Negative thoughts
- Feeling guilty for what happened.
- Blaming others for what happened.
- Loss of interest in other people.
In addition, common symptoms of stress and anxiety may be present :
- Headaches.
- Exaggerated and frequent worry.
- Agitation.
- Unrest.
- Dizziness
- Fainting.
- Feeling of throbbing in the chest.
- Muscle tension.
It should be noted that this disorder does not occur due to having seen traumatic events on television , through photographs or films.
Treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder
To diagnose PTSD, you need to have had the symptoms described above for 30 days. In the same way, your doctor can do a blood test to rule out diseases that could have the same symptoms.
The purpose of treating post-traumatic stress disorder will be to reduce symptoms, avoid possible complications, and rehabilitate the person in the social and occupational setting. The first step from the diagnosis is psychotherapy , in which a psychologist will help you manage the symptoms, for this disorder a type of psychotherapy called desensitization is usually used, in which you must remember the fact that has caused the trauma and express your feelings about it. From here the event will become less scary, you will also learn techniques that will help you relax each time the thoughts of reliving the event are present.
On the other hand, there are medications for depression and anxiety that will help you sleep better, however these must be prescribed by a doctor. Although they may take time to work, do not stop taking them or change the recommended dose. In some cases it will be necessary to apply both treatments.
The duration of treatment can be between 6 or 12 weeks , this will depend on each patient. Remember that alcohol and drug use make the disorder worse and will slow down treatment.
When to contact the doctor
- If you feel overwhelmed.
- You think about hurting yourself or hurting others.
- You have other symptoms.
- You cannot control your behavior.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Post-traumatic stress disorder: causes and treatment , we recommend that you enter our category of Mental Disorders .

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