Home Medicinal plants and herbs Peppermint pennyroyal: properties and contraindications

Peppermint pennyroyal: properties and contraindications

by Alivia Nyhan
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Popularly known as Pennyroyal, Pennyroyal is a herbaceous plant included in the Labiatae family. This plant grows in humid places and has many medicinal properties, so the body can benefit from making the most of all of them. There are many ways to consume it, but the most popular is through an infusion since all the benefits can be obtained quickly and with extraordinary taste.

Although Pennyroyal is world-renowned for its relaxing effect, relieving stomach discomfort, and considerably improving digestion, this plant has other benefits. If you want to know more, at FastlyHealwe invite you to read the following article on Pennyroyal: properties and contraindications.

Improves the digestive system

One of the most outstanding properties of Pennyroyal is its significant contribution to the health of the digestive system. A tea of ​​this plant can considerably promote digestion and eliminate the symptoms that cause slow and heavy digestion. For example, it will help to get rid of pain and gas that could be accumulated in the intestine, so it is highly recommended in cases of flatulence or meteorism.

This is because it has carminative properties due to its contribution of carvacrol, menthol, and thymol. In addition, the terpenes together with the components above give it an antispasmodic action. Also, these components stimulate the liver by increasing the secretion of bile, which is used to improve digestion; however, this plant should be consumed with caution, as it can be toxic.

It benefits the respiratory system.

Thanks to the fact that Pennyroyal is rich in menthol, it is widely used in cases of flu and colds. This is thanks to the fact that the plant has diaphoretic properties, which considerably increase the production of body sweat, lowers fever when required, and, on the other hand, fights different discomforts due to its contribution of salicylic.

Pennyroyal acts as an excellent natural expectorant due to its mucolytic properties. For this reason, it also helps to eliminate mucus that may exist in the bronchi and favors its expulsion. Consuming an infusion of dried Pennyroyal leaves, you will be able to notice great benefits in the respiratory system.

Promotes blood circulation and calms joint discomfort

Pennyroyal is an ideal source of rosmarinic acid and eugenol, being the elements in charge of providing anticoagulant properties that notably help improve blood circulation and, on the other hand, can improve or prevent symptoms caused by mountain or altitude sickness. This physical discomfort is generated by being in a very high place and causes headaches, dizziness, and nausea due to atmospheric pressure.

On the other hand, Pennyroyal has fabulous soothing properties thanks to thymol and salicylic acid, ideal components for the home treatment of joint pain caused by different rheumatic disorders, especially rheumatoid arthritis.

The use of Pennyroyal combats skin disorders.

Now, we will talk about the benefits of Pennyroyal for the skin since it can also be used topically because it has astringent and antibacterial properties, which makes this plant an ideal option for the natural treatment of different skin conditions.

For example, Pennyroyal can disinfect and help wound healing; it is excellent to reduce itching and providing a sensation of freshness and relief; it also considerably improves the health of the skin in those who have scales in it.

Contraindications of pennyroyal mint

Pennyroyal is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, as it can cause unwanted abortions or cause severe poisoning for a baby.

Likewise, those who suffer from low sugar levels should not consume this plant because it can reduce them even more; also, for those who have an iron deficiency because it can hinder the absorption of this mineral from food, therefore it should not be consumed patients with anemia. Likewise, it is best for people who consume medications for any pathology to avoid consuming Pennyroyal as a precaution since it may be contraindicated with some drugs.

For all the above, you must consult a specialist before taking Pennyroyal. Also, it would help if you respect the recommended daily dose, which should not reach 10 grams.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

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