Dandelion is a very versatile plant, it is not only used for medicinal purposes but its properties extend to gastronomy. This plant is recognized for its diuretic benefits, since the substances that compose it favor the production of urine and reduce inflammation, as well as helping the digestive system to eliminate toxins. At FastlyHealwe explain the medicinal uses of dandelion .
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How to use dandelion?
The parts in which the dandelion is divided are three: flowers, leaves and roots, each of these is used for different purposes, especially in the preparation of dishes.
- Flowers : you can add the petals to your salads or pickle them in vinegar and salt. Also in some European countries jams are made.
- Leaves : are used to prepare infusions to treat different ailments of the urinary and digestive tract. You can also prepare them as a vegetable sautéed with garlic and olive oil, but try to choose the ones that are more tender since their flavor can be very bitter.
- Root : it is used as a substitute for decaffeinated coffee.
The best time to collect this plant is spring and its leaves should be dried and preferably stored in a cloth bag. For its part, the roots are preferable to be taken in summer or autumn and you should also dry them and keep them in an airtight container.
Its high content of potassium salts give it a diuretic property , helping to increase urine production, which is why it is ideal if you have obesity problems. It is also useful to eliminate fluid retention, purifying our body of the different toxins that are produced.
For the digestive system
It stimulates biliary and liver function, which not only has an impact on good digestion, due to its high fiber content, but also in maintaining the good health of our liver, helping to eliminate toxins from the blood, reducing cholesterol and acid. uric. It is very effective in cases of hepatitis or cirrhosis. It is also a natural laxative since its medicinal principles promote intestinal movement.
For skin care
The astringent compounds that the dandelion plant possesses , allow treating wounds, sores and bruises, as well as improving their healing. It also has a relaxing action which will help you if you suffer from varicose veins or tired legs, its anti-inflammatory properties will allow blood circulation to improve.
For anemia
The amount of iron in its leaves is what provides this benefit, which is why it is useful for the treatment of anemia or to prevent it. It also increases the production of blood cells and the same diuretic properties, which we mentioned earlier, allow to eliminate toxins from the bloodstream.
Dandelion home remedies
Here are some home remedies with dandelion , depending on the condition you present:
- For the liver : boil 100 grams of dandelion root in 1.5 liters of water. Drink it three times a day.
- For cholesterol : prepare an infusion of dried leaves and take it three times a day. You can also include root lasa to prepare the infusion.
- For the skin : crush the fresh leaves of the dandelion and use it as a plaster to treat wounds and even to relax your tired legs .
- For anemia : infuse a tablespoon of dried leaves for each cup of water and drink it three times a day. On the other hand, you can dilute a few drops of dandelion to the juice of your choice.
Dandelion contraindications
The cases in which dandelion is contraindicated are:
- During pregnancy, medicinal preparations are contraindicated, but can be consumed as food.
- If you have kidney or gallbladder stones.
- If you suffer from heartburn or stomach ulcers.
- If you take medications with lithium.
- If you take antibiotics, as it can decrease its absorption.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
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