It is common for people to explore and be aware of any alteration in the face, so it is easier to detect the appearance of bumps or lumps. Although they do not give them importance in many cases, they usually indicate a problem, mainly if they are located in the neck area or near the ear.
Several causes could originate from lumps under the ear. Still, in most cases, these do not represent a dangerous condition, and with the appropriate treatment, they can be resolved without complications. It would help if you visited the doctor to make the correct diagnosis, but also, at FastlyHealwe want to inform you about the causes of lumps under the ear.
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Swelling of the lymph nodes
Lymph nodes are distributed in various body areas, mainly in the neck. They have the critical function of retaining external agents that could cause some damage within the body, acting as a filter and then eliminating them. However, when these harmful agents accumulate, they unleash an irritating reaction causing the affected nodes to swell, making them perceptible to the touch with the possibility of increasing their size and making us feel discomfort or pain.
When a lump is detected under the ear, it is usually due to a nearby lymph node; this condition is also known as adenopathy. It often does not represent a severe condition and is generally due to an infection, either by viruses, bacteria, parasites, or the ingestion of any medication. However, you must consult your doctor for a correct diagnosis and indicate the appropriate treatment. In our article inflammation of the lymph nodes: causes and treatment we explain everything about this pathology.
Inflammation of the parotid gland
Within the salivary glands, the most prominent glands are the parotid glands, located one on each side of the face, below and in front of the ears. They are responsible for producing saliva, like the other salivary glands. They secrete it into the mouth through a tube behind the upper teeth, helping in chewing and degradation of food and keeping the oral cavity moist. And its components.
The parotid glands can be affected by certain types of infections caused by viruses such as mumps or the proliferation of bacteria due to poor hygiene. It’s also possible that it’s due to other conditions, such as Sjogren’s syndrome, an autoimmune disease that primarily attacks the exocrine glands. When there is an alteration in the parotid glands, inflammation develops that produces severe pain in the face, which may be another cause of a lump under the ear.
Development of sebaceous cysts near the ear
When the lump under the ear has a soft consistency and produces little or no pain, the skin that covers it is usually reddened and fixed; it indicates a sebaceous or epidermal cyst. This cyst is frequently caused by the obstruction of a hair follicle or duct of the sebaceous glands in the skin; the block is usually due to the removal of keratin layers in the dermis or an injury, causing the accumulation of fat under it.
The formation of layers on the surface of the duct plus the increase in the accumulation of fat within the sac that forms under the skin cause the lump to increase in size. These cysts generally have a pore through which microorganisms can enter the sac and infect it, filling it with pus. Many of the cases occur in adults, and the probability of developing them is greater if you have acne. Depending on the state of the cyst, the treatment may vary; however, it is essential to note that these are not dangerous.
Lipoma below the ear
The presence of lipomas is not a reason to be alarmed since this type of tumor is not cancerous and usually resolves without complications. It is a more common condition than is thought and can cause lumps under the ear; it differs from other types of bumps by its soft and rubbery consistency because they are movable under the skin; it does not have a pore that I communicate it with the outside. It is of slow growth, many times without any symptoms.
The lipoma under the ear develops from the excessive production of fat cells in adipose tissue, storing a mass of fat under the skin that can continue to increase in size. It is not sure what causes it, but it is considered that some factors may favor its presence, such as being overweight or obese, abnormal variation in the level of glucose in the blood, liver diseases, injuries, and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Parotid gland tumor
A tumor in the parotid gland can cause the feeling of a lump under the ear; although it is not very common for this to occur, it is the most common tumor within the salivary glands. In more than 80% of cases, the tumor is not cancerous, like Warthin’s tumor, but it is also possible that it is malignant and takes a more extended treatment.
This lump under the ear may feel like a hard lump or swelling, is usually painless, grows slowly, and is not generally very large. When there are symptoms, there may be a feeling of numbness or persistent discomfort in the affected area of the face and difficulty swallowing or opening the mouth thoroughly.
It has not been defined what causes a tumor in the parotid gland. Still, the risk of suffering increases if the person has been exposed to radiation, often due to treatment of head or neck cancer; it is also possible if you smoke excessively or when working with certain substances, such as those used in the rubber, plumbing, or asbestos mining industries. However, it can develop without an apparent cause.
It is necessary to go to the doctor to carry out an adequate control and treatment of the condition. However, depending on the state of the tumor, the extraction of the parotid gland may be recommended since a crucial facial nerve could be compromised.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Lumps under the ear: causes , we recommend that you enter our category of Ear, nose and throat .

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.