Home Ear, nose and throatThroat diseases and infections Lump sensation in my throat: causes and symptoms

Lump sensation in my throat: causes and symptoms

by Alivia Nyhan
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Are you worried about feeling a lump in your throat? Does it hurt when you touch yourself? Does the package move? Many questions can come to mind when you think of something unusual at the throat level, and you can feel a lump or a lump in the neck and immediately worry because you do not know what it is.

Lumps or lumps in the throat have several reasons for being worth knowing. Whether the swelling is painful or not and whether it moves are characteristics to consider. At FastlyHeal, we invite you to continue reading this article to know what it can be if you feel a lump in your throat and what to do in this case.

Lump in the throat: hysterical balloon

A frequent annoyance is having the sensation of a lump or lump in the throat, which can fill anyone with doubts and concern and does not know the most frequent causes why this occurs.

The first reason you may have the sensation of a lump or lump in the throat is due to what is medically known as globus pharyngis or hysterical globe. This is a common problem at any age and in both sexes. It frequently manifests itself right after eating, causing:

  1. Throat obstruction sensation.
  2. Pain when swallowing
  3. Chest pain.
  4. Throat tightness.

The reason this occurs is due to excessive tension in the cricopharyngeus muscle that is located in the lower part of the throat. How this happens is still unknown.

Another reason why this can happen is:

  1. Gastroesophageal reflux: where there is damage to the inner layer that lines the food tube.
  2. Stress and anxiety: This can strain the cricopharyngeus muscle if you are overstressed.

The term hysterical balloon is related to psychogenic factors related to the sensation of ballooning or lump in the throat, according to an article published in the Journal of Logopedia, Phoniatrics, and Audiology [1].

Other causes of feeling a lump in the throat

Other reasons why a lump can be felt in the throat when touched through the skin are:

  1. Lymph nodes: One of the reasons you can feel a bump in the throat that is palpable by both the patient and the doctor is the presence of lymph nodes, also known as lymph nodes. This is due to some viral or bacterial process that triggers an inflammatory response of the ganglia. Once the infectious problem is treated, it will progressively decrease in size.
  2. Thyroid nodule: Another reason a lump in the throat can be felt in the presence of a thyroid nodule that can also cause swelling in the neck, pain when swallowing, shortness of breath, and a sore throat. The presence of these nodules requires immediate evaluation by the endocrine physician.
  3. Sebaceous cyst: accumulation of sebum under the skin can form nodules called sebaceous cysts. Although they do not cause pain, there may be redness and an increase in local temperature, that is, in the area where the sebaceous cyst is formed. The dermatologist is the specialized doctor to determine what treatment the presence of this cyst requires.
  4. C ANCER: finally, a reason why there may be a lump in the neck or throat that can not pass is high being in the presence of cancer in the throat. Usually, it comes with other symptoms, such as severe as frequent choking, ringing in the ears, weight loss, and a feeling of a lump in the throat. The US National Library of Medicine [2] explains that throat cancer is more common in people who smoke, consume alcohol in excess and is also associated with patients with a previous diagnosis of HPV (virus of the human papilloma).

Lumps in the throat: symptoms and complementary tests

In addition to the presence of increased volume in the throat or neck region, the presence of other symptoms such as:

  • Difficulty swallowing.
  • Hoarseness or voice changes.
  • A nodule was hardened or stony.
  • Pain when touching the lump or mass.
  • Weightloss.
  • Frequent headache

All symptoms are essential so that the doctor can give the proper diagnosis at the right time.

The additional tests will be used if the diagnosis is uncertain. It may be done:

  • Hematology.
  • Head and neck computed tomography scan.
  • MRI of the head and neck.
  • Biopsy.
  • Thyroid gammagrama.

If you are presenting any of the symptoms previously described, consider the importance of visiting the doctor. The presence of a lump in the throat should not be overlooked, although the most common cause (hysterical balloon ) is simple to deal with. How the symptoms manifest is essential for medical specialists to make the proper diagnosis.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

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