The blood donation is an altruistic act and selfless to help sick people who need transfusions of this liquid. Blood has three components, the red blood cells that allow oxygen to be transported to the blood and are used above all in cases of anemia; On the other hand we have the platelets , which are an important part split clotting blood and plasma which are composed of water and protein and involved the immunity and transportation of drugs and other substances. Depending on the pathology, some of these will be needed, so once the donation is made, the necessary element will be separated. At FastlyHealwe explain how often you can donate blood and we will answer other common questions about this act.
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Blood groups
Now the blood is divided into different blood groups and these will determine the compatibility when carrying out blood transfusions to the person who needs it. Although there are many blood groups, the most important are the ABO and Rh groups , this classification is determined by the composition of the red blood cells found in the cell. In the case of the ABO group, it is divided into A, B, AB and O, the latter being the most frequent. For the Rh group, the division is Rh positive and Rh negative, in which the former can only donate to the same positive factor, while the negative can donate to either of them.
Therefore, the way in which each of these groups can donate is as follows:
- Group A + : can donate blood to A + and AB +, and can receive blood from A + – and O + –
- Group A – : can donate blood to A + – and AB + -, and can receive blood from A- and O-
- Group B + : can donate blood to B + and AB +, and can receive blood from B + – and O + –
- Group B- : can donate blood to B + – and AB + -, and can receive blood from B- and O-
- Group AB + : You can donate blood to AB +, and you can receive blood from all groups.
- Group AB- : can donate blood to AB + -, and can receive blood from A-, B-, AB- and O-
- Group O + : can donate blood to A +, B +, AB + and O +, and can receive blood from O + –
- Group O- : You can donate blood to all groups , and you can receive blood from O-
Requirements to donate blood
There are some basic conditions that anyone who wishes to donate blood must have, apart from other requirements that may be requested by the center where the extraction is made. The requirements to donate blood are:
- Being over 18 years.
- Weigh more than 50 kg.
- Be in good health.
- Not be pregnant
Once in the center where you will donate blood you will have to carry out the following steps:
- Fill in a form with your personal data.
- Present your identification document.
- Carry out a medical interview and a simple check-up, where your iron levels will especially be evaluated and if you have traveled to tropical countries in the last year.
What is the process of donating blood like?
Upon passing the previous requirements, you will be invited to go to a room where there are several armchairs, you must choose in which arm you want the extraction to be done, it is always preferable to do it in the one you use the least. Once you lie down in the chair, the process will last between 5 and 10 minutes and 450 ml of blood will be drawn , a safe amount for a person weighing more than 50 kg.
The nursing staff will take care of placing the needle in your arm and instructing you to open and close your fist regularly. During the donation process you will have a machine by your side with the bag of blood that is being extracted, this machine is in charge of mixing the liquid with anticoagulants and thus controlling the extraction. Once the process is finished you will have to recover, for this the donation center will have some drinks and sweets that will help you recover.
Benefits of donating blood
Beyond the altruistic gesture and the satisfaction of helping someone in need, donating blood does not produce an extra benefit to our health and does not cause problems for the body. This act works as a small review in which you can rule out an infection. Also, a few weeks later you will receive a blood evaluation from your donation.
Regarding how often you can donate blood , in the case of men they can do it 4 times a year and in women 3 times a year, always respecting an interval of at least 2 months between one donation and another.
Side effects of donating blood
Donating blood is a safe act, however there may be cases in which an effect occurs, but without causing damage to your body, among the side effects of donating blood are:
- Dizziness
- Fatigue.
- Bruises on the arm where the extraction has been done.
- Sickness.
- Vomiting
When can I not donate blood?
The reasons why a person cannot be a blood donor are the following:
- If you are a carrier of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
- If you are a carrier of the hepatitis B or C virus.
- If you use drugs such as heroin or a hormone to increase muscle mass.
Tips for after donating blood
If you have already made the decision to donate blood, we give you some tips to help you recover after the extraction:
- Drink plenty of fluids for 24 to 48 hours after donating.
- Avoid smoking for 2 hours after extraction.
- Do not exert yourself, especially with the arm where the puncture was made.
- If the puncture site bleeds, when removing the plaster, press the arm for 3 to 5 minutes.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
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I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.