Home Immune systemDengue Home remedies for dengue

Home remedies for dengue

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Dengue is a viral disease transmitted by the infected bite of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, which causes a significant decrease in the level of platelets in our body, leading to the appearance of annoying symptoms such as high fever, muscle pain, headache, and malaise. General. If the condition is complicated, you can suffer from hemorrhagic dengue fever, which occurs when platelets are reduced to 50,000 mcL or less, so favoring the increase in platelet level is essential for recovery. Certain foods and natural ingredients can make a difference; that’s why at FastlyHealwe give you some home remedies for dengue that will help you significantly.

Why do some foods and plants help you recover from dengue?

Once dengue is transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito, it takes 4 to 7 days for symptoms of this condition to appear. When we become infected with this virus, our platelets, responsible for proper blood clotting, begin to decrease, leading to intense fatigue and several of the symptoms of the disease.

The average levels of platelets range from 1 50,000 to 450,000 mc L; because dengue produces a significant reduction of platelet values is allying necessary with some foods, plants, and natural remedies that promote their growth, allow us to recover, gain strength, and especially prevent hemorrhagic dengue fever, which occurs when platelets drop below 50,000 mcL, running the risk of internal bleeding, shock and health complications that can put our lives at risk.

What we eat and drink during illness is very important to increase platelets, so pay attention to the following alternatives to guarantee optimal recovery.

Natural coconut water

One of the home remedies for dengue that are easier for the patient to ingest, offering hydration and promoting recovery, is coconut water. Despite being a simple liquid, this alternative contributes to vitamin C and A, which are essential to improve the immune system and help our body fight against the virus, and minerals such as potassium, iron, phosphorus, and calcium. All these are necessary to guarantee our adequate nutrition and help increase platelets.

Because hydrating frequently is very important in dengue cases, helping to combat the effects of dehydration caused by fever, coconut water helps provide the necessary amount of fluid and the vitamins required. It is essential to consume it in small sips throughout the day and always in its natural presentation, avoiding those canned drinks that are only an imitation of the product.

Foods and juices rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential to have a strong and healthy immune system that helps us not only to recover from the dengue virus but also to stabilize our platelet levels and guarantee a speedy recovery.

For this reason, fruits such as orange, lemon, strawberries, kiwi, mandarin oranges, or grapefruit are ideal for providing this and other essential nutrients such as vitamin K. In addition, we cannot forget other ingredients like tomato or spinach, which also have these properties.

If the patient does not tolerate solid foods well or has a feeble appetite, it is recommended to offer juices prepared with these ingredients, such as orange, lemonade, or strawberry, which will help nourish and hydrate with little effort. It is best to eat them on an empty stomach.

Red pepper and guava juice

Both red pepper and guava are foods rich in vitamin C and have excellent antioxidant properties; for this reason, they are ingredients widely used in different Latin American countries to make a potent juice that helps raise platelets, provide nutrients and improve the general condition of those suffering from dengue.

To do this, you need:

  • Three guayaberas
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • Half a liter of water

Mix all the ingredients in a blender or food grinder, and you will have your juice ready. If it is too thick, add a little more water, it is recommended to drink at least two glasses a day, of which one should preferably be on an empty stomach.

Papaya leaves

Papaya has acquired great fame as one of the home remedies for dengue; this is mainly because it is a fruit rich in vitamin C, which improves our defenses, in B complex vitamins that will enhance the health of the nervous system, and in fiber which helps to ensure the good functioning of the digestive system, being a smooth and delicious alternative to consume both wholes and in juice.

However, its leaves are the ones that have acquired the most popularity because they are attributed properties to increase platelets. To use this home remedy, you must:

  • Take a good handful of papaya leaves and wash them well.
  • Cut them into pieces.
  • Wrap the leaves with a cloth or coffee filter and crush them well with your hand until the juice flows from them through the filter.
  • Take four teaspoons a day of this juice, you can ingest it directly, but because it is very bitter, it should be mixed with some liquid, such as papaya.

Carrot, beet, and celery

Due to the high content of vitamin A in carrots, antioxidants and iron in beets, and the immune-boosting properties of celery, these three ingredients make ideal home remedies for dengue fever. They can be added to broths, vegetable creams, or eaten directly in a juice that you can make with:

  • One carrot, peeled and chopped.
  • One beet, peeled and chopped.
  • Half a branch of celery.
  • Half a liter of water.

Add everything to a blender or food processor and drink the juice throughout the day.

Chicken broth or soup

It is one of the dishes most served to dengue patients. There is a good reason: broth or chicken soup is a meal rich in vitamins and nutrients and an excellent alternative to strengthen our immune system due to all the ingredients it is prepared. It is a straightforward dish to consume, but if you do not have much appetite, you can eat only the broth, which will help to feed and hydrate the patient.

To make a healing chicken soup, it is essential that it is cooked for at least 1 hour and that it includes ingredients such as carrots, onion, and parsley, which will increase its healing effect.

And don’t forget the water and rest.

Hydration is essential to recover from dengue as it will help combat the dehydrating effects of fever that can increase discomfort, so you should not forget to consume it throughout the day in small sips.

It is also necessary to remember that none of these natural remedies for dengue will work if you do not do adequate rest. Due to the decrease in platelets produced by the virus, you will feel exhausted, and your body will need to recover from the fever and the rest of the symptoms effectively, something that can only be achieved with adequate rest.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Home remedies for dengue , we recommend that you enter our Immune system category .

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