Childhood is a golden stage because in it the true identity of each person is expressed with innocence and ease, since there are few conditioning and limitations learned so far. In order for the child to continue adapting to the environment without losing that awareness, it is necessary to cultivate certain habits in his life and in the life of the parents or those who share with them closely.
Learn here at FastlyHealthe 10 healthy lifestyle habits for children , and try to adopt them all or as many as you can and you will notice that in a very short time you will feel the difference in the well-being of both him and yours.
Table of Contents
Sports and / or constant physical activity for children
Modern educational systems still carry a too mental and static model of learning. Learning sitting down or through the simple reception of information is harmful and does not allow the full development of children’s potential, to the point of even stunting and damaging their physical and emotional health.
Constant physical activity is necessary in the life of every human being . That the child play sports or at least be allowed to play while constantly in motion : running, dancing or jumping. This will help you to realize how important this all-natural aspect of health is.
If your child has resistance or apathy towards these activities, you can opt for some of the habits that we will mention in the next sections, where you could also find causes of why your child may be discouraged and how to change that.
Artistic expression for happy kids
True art allows spontaneity , the expression of being. No matter how much resistance is made, whatever work you do will reflect you. Children like this and the more they can experiment with all their senses in the process, the better. Painting, using finger paint, plasticine, crafts, music, dance, theater, among others, are all valid.
The study of an art as such is a way to channel that potential or when your child shows himself his interest in deepening in an art (not just because the parents want to). Nor should it be implied that enrolling a child in a music or painting school will do him good if he does not feel comfortable, or if he studies there more than what they allow him to create and invent.
Share and play with parents and family
We are all social beings, and even children with more closed personalities need this constant interaction with their parents , grandparents and other family members where they feel confident and intimate.
Giving each other an opportunity to play, share experiences, be together for a few minutes a day or simply show empathy with them if they are irritated, are ways of expressing this intention and building – or recovering – family harmony. It should be said that empathy should not be confused with too much permissiveness.
Sharing in nature: gardening and animals
We share planet Earth as a home with every living being that exists and the interaction with them from childhood allows us to keep an ecological conscience awake , which is not only expressed in its respect for the exterior, but also by respecting itself and its health. as a being codependent of the natural system that surrounds it and that, therefore, must watch over its care.
The gardening meanwhile, allows a more conscious connection and continue with the cycles of nature, which also requires manual labor will like them to interact directly through your senses with it.
Meditation in children for emotional intelligence
Happiness and health are our origin, not an end. We all have within ourselves the key to maintain that state of inner harmony and enough emotional intelligence to channel our needs, and differentiate them from simple whims and unproductive desires, or hostile attitudes that only seek to attract attention.
All this emotional reality -or complexity- also occurs in children, but the habit of meditation , yoga and the synchronization of the mind with the breath are bridges for every child and adult to inner peace and to understand what disturbs the being. , and even understand the disturbance of the other.
Correct and lasting breastfeeding
Many pediatricians still indicate that breastfeeding is necessary up to 6 months, or do not even consider it as essential as it really is. The provides feeding nutrients necessary for healthy immune and skin baby skin contact with the mother is an opportunity to feel at peace and inner calm.
What few consider is that the World Health Organization itself indicates that breastfeeding is beneficial for the health of infants up to 2 years of age . Obviously it is no longer the main food, but breast milk continues to provide benefits and there really should be no taboos in continuing until the age of 5.
In the following FastlyHealarticle we will talk about the foods that you should not eat while breastfeeding so that the baby’s diet is totally positive for his health.
Know your own body
Just as meditation benefits the development of emotional intelligence, it can strengthen the physical health and preventive capacity of children for their own health.
Play with him by making him close his eyes, going through and mentally recognizing the position of each part of his body and what each part is for. This can help you even put ailments you may have in more detailed words and identify foods that don’t feel as good for you. Some children are slow or apathetic to eat because what is served does not suit them and they do not know how to express it.
Eat organic and balanced
Some harmful foods are underestimated for the damage they can cause, especially processed and apparently light or natural foods. The best way to ensure a correct diet for the child is to provide fresh and organic food from the beginning, and not force him to eat anything . If you put up too much resistance, check the emotional cause or the quality of the food.
They don’t need candy!
The impulsive need for artificial candy is initially induced by parents and the environment. Human beings are naturally prepared to consume and be drawn to sweet fruits and tubers, but processed cookies and treats are unnecessary and harmful. They learn to eat them and in quantity because they give them to them to try, and because parents also use them as a reward mechanism , so how do you think they are not going to stick to them?
Cultivate an organic and low-flour diet from the beginning, forget about offering those cravings while at home or with you and your child will then prefer healthy for himself, and thus you will forget about that problem that affects so many young and old today.
Make learning a game
Children are like sponges and they come prepared to experiment and learn. The game , for them, is something very serious because through this mechanism they learn, socialize and create . The study as we know it today is not bad, but it takes too much time or importance compared to recreational and creative activities.
Children learn by example
We are all intuitive and value example and actions more than moralistic words or lessons. Children are even more sensitive to this reality and if you want to cultivate health in them or produce any change, it will always be favorable for you to show by example that it is possible or how to do it.
If it is difficult for them to join activities such as those previously exposed, being surrounded by people who do them and develop such habits will allow them, sooner rather than later, to give in and join.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to 10 healthy lifestyle habits for children , we recommend that you enter our Well-being category .
I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.