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Stress Spill in the Eye: Causes and Treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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Bloodshot eyes, also known as a subconjunctival hemorrhage, are familiar in ophthalmological consultations and consist of an accumulation of blood in the anterior part of the eye. The eye is covered by a thin membrane called the conjunctiva, containing many tiny blood vessels. When these vessels break, a red blood spot appears below the conjunctiva. It is very similar to skin bruises and tends to create a lot of distress in patients; however, in most cases, it is a harmless situation that does not cause pain and should not affect your vision. This spontaneous eye redness sometimes does not have a precise origin, and its causes are varied.

Can stress be one of the causes of subconjunctival hemorrhage? I invite you to continue reading this article by FastlyHealto find out, in which we will talk to you about an eye stroke due to stress: causes and treatment.

Causes of eye effusion

Subconjunctival hemorrhage, also called hyposphagmus, can occur due to many factors and has no specific symptoms. The redness is commonly located below the conjunctiva, opposite the nose.

It is caused mainly by sudden increases in blood pressure, and some of the main risk factors are:

  • Eye trauma, such as receiving direct blows to the eye or simply when you rub them hard.
  • Presence or friction of a foreign body inside the eye.
  • Rough straining, including lifting excessive weights, coughing, vomiting, or sneezing.
  • Diseases that occur with blood clotting disorders.
  • Acute inflammation of the conjunctiva by viruses or bacteria.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Exercises cause sudden venous congestion to the head, such as weight lifting.
  • Diabetes mellitus is complicated by diabetic retinopathy (it is an alteration of the blood vessels of the retina due to high sugar levels).
  • Wear contact lenses.
  • Medications such as aspirin, heparin, clopidogrel, or warfarin affect the mechanisms of blood clot formation.
  • Eye or nose surgeries in the postoperative period.
  • Less commonly, they can be caused by malignant eye tumors or ocular amyloidosis.

These are the most common causes, but, answering the previous question, we can say that stress is not recognized in the medical literature as a cause of the ocular effusion. However, it is a trigger that can raise your blood pressure, which is one of the most common systemic vascular diseases in the elderly that causes this condition, as described in the following study published in the Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 1.

Symptoms of spill in the eye

Generally, the ocular effusion does not present previous symptoms; the first sign you will notice will be the red spot on the white part of the eye (sclera) when you look in the mirror.

It does not cause eye damage or vision problems. It occurs on only one side in most patients and tends to be located on the nasal side.

It may be possible to feel discomfort in the eye, but it is not common; if you have other signs or symptoms, it may be another problem, and it is recommended that you go to the doctor.

Treatment of stress discharge in the eye

These blood spots in the eye can alarm patients, but the good news is that if you have an eye spill, it will be temporary and almost always benign; it does not cause vision problems, and it only causes cosmetic discomfort.

Usually, it does not require treatment since the bleeding is reabsorbed and disappears independently. This can take 2-3 weeks, depending on the size.

During that time, you will notice that the eyespot changes color from red to brown and later to yellow; these are typical phases of the process. To date, there is no approved drug to cure an eye effusion. If you also have an irritated eye, they may indicate artificial tears to lubricate it.

Some recommendations to take into account in the treatment of an effusion in the eye are:

  • Although subconjunctival bleeding cannot be treated, if the effusion in the eye is recurrent or persists, you should see a doctor for a complete evaluation, including coagulation tests, determine risk factors in you and rule out the hypertensive crisis.
  • If you have any hematological disease, it is recommended that you avoid wearing contact lenses. In the event of any complication, you should go to the ophthalmologist (doctor specializing in the eye). He will examine and medicate you correctly.
  • If you have high blood pressure, remember to watch it and take your drugs after medical advice.
  • These episodes can be repetitive in some patients or start spontaneously without any apparent cause; they do not cause pain or loss of vision; if you have any of these symptoms, go immediately to a specialist.
  • People taking blood thinners may have more prominent spots, taking much longer to disappear.

How to Prevent Stress Eyedrop

Stress is not a direct cause of subconjunctival bleeding, but it is a risk factor that can increase blood pressure 2, therefore, we recommend that you follow these suggestions to prevent stressful eye effusion:

  • If you are constantly stressed and have blood pressure problems, you should keep it under control by taking your antihypertensives to prevent blood pressure from rising.
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes hard.
  • It reduces the excessive physical efforts that can break the small blood vessels of the eye.
  • When you feel under stress, release muscle tension, and you can do exercises such as walking or swimming.
  • Get enough rest to keep your body and mind healthy.
  • Practice relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga.

In the following article, you can see more tips to reduce stress.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Stressed Eye Spill: Causes and Treatment , we recommend that you enter our Eyes and Vision category .

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