When a speech difficulty occurs, it is generally associated with a neurological problem, but there are disorders such as dysglossia that are directly related to morphological affectations of the articulation organs, that is, the tongue, lips, teeth, palate and the jaw, which are involved in the correct pronunciation of words.
This disorder is more common than you think, it frequently has a congenital origin but it is also possible that you acquire it at another stage of your life for different reasons. If you or someone close to you suffers from this speech problem, you should know that it is possible to correct it, so if you are interested in knowing about dysglossia: causes and treatment , in this FastlyHealarticle you can learn everything about it.
Table of Contents
Types of dysglossia
In order for you to understand and treat the problem in the pronunciation of words, it is necessary that you know that there is not a single type of dysglossia, but that they are classified according to the articulatory structure affected, but this does not mean that the cause is the same . Thus, 5 types of dysglossia are considered :
- Dental dysglossia: There is a problem with your teeth and it makes it difficult for you to pronounce correctly the words that have d, f, l, n, r, rr, s, t and z.
- Lip dysglossia: it involves the function of the lips and makes it difficult for you to pronounce consonants such as b, m, p, and vowels o and u.
- Mandibular dysglossia: There is an interference in the articulatory function of the jaw and it prevents you from making the correct sound for certain consonants, for example ch, l, r, s, y, j and z.
- Lingual dysglossia: speech disorder due to a disorder in the language that does not allow you to correctly say the words that include d, l, n and r.
- Palatal dysglossia: it arises from a problem in the palate and depending on the affected area of it, you may not articulate well some consonants, including d, g, k, l, n, s, sh and t.
Some Causes of Dysglossia
You develop dysglossia when you have a physiological or anatomical abnormality in one or more of the structures of the speech apparatus, such as an abnormality in its shape, composition, mobility, consistency or strength. These alterations can be due to different disorders of different origin, either congenital hereditary or own during pregnancy, acquired as a reaction to another condition at some stage of life or after some medical treatment or surgical intervention.
Some causes of dysglossia due to involvement in the tongue that you could suffer is that the size of this speech organ is larger than normal, which is also known as macroglossia, if you get to burn or make any other wound on the tongue ; You could still get it during or after hypoglossal paralysis and even if you had a partial or total removal of your tongue, for example due to a tumor or a severe infection.
In the case of the lips , among the anomalies that could generate this speech problem, those of congenital origin stand out, mainly the cleft lip, but also conditions such as the excessive growth of the upper lip frenulum or the excessive development of the edges of the mouth , known as macrostomia. Likewise, the mobility of the lips can be compromised if you have wounds, suffer from neuralgia or facial paralysis.
Some examples of anomalies in the jaw that could cause dysglossia are an inadequate development of the jaws during gestation producing what is known as a “fish face”, or that in the first years of life their growth is interrupted as has been observed when a pacifier is used constantly. A tumor in the area or partial removal of the jaw can also affect the joint.
On the other hand, disorders such as the ogival palate , where it becomes narrow and very curved due to constant thumb sucking or using a pacifier for example, and suffering from bifid uvula, are a cause of dysglossia.
The fact that you cannot pronounce the words correctly could also be due to a congenital abnormal development in the shape or number of teeth, even after suffering pathologies due to the hygiene and eating habits that you carry, and even if you have a dental prosthesis or follow a orthodontic treatment.
Treatment for dysglossia
Because dysglossia is generated by the presence of a malformation in some organ of the speech apparatus, it is possible to reverse this problem, unlike other speech disorders with neurological affectations. For this reason, do not hesitate to consult with your doctor to evaluate the situation and consider the best methods.
Generally, the treatment for dysglossia is long and the intervention of several specialists is necessary , depending on the type, degree and origin of the alteration, in addition to the organ that is affecting and the age of the patient. The group of professionals can be made up of pediatricians, surgeons, orthodontic surgeons, plastic surgeons, speech therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists and educational psychologists, to name a few.
Treatment often begins with the surgical process to repair the altered structure and rebuild the necessary tissue, in which several surgeons from different specialties can intervene. However, even after surgery in some cases you may have to use a prosthesis, for example in certain disorders of the palate. If possible, this treatment is recommended early in life, before speech learning and full development of the speech apparatus.
On the other hand, in some disorders, specialists may opt for speech therapy treatment rather than resorting to surgery. This seeks to reduce speech problems through different exercises and constant professional evaluation, for example applying auditory, visual and synesthesia techniques of correct pronunciation and repetition of it, in addition to instructing the correct position to articulate each sound.
Likewise, even when it has been decided to resolve the dysglossia that you suffer with surgery, after it it is necessary that you perform speech therapy or recovery therapy, which consists of involving the entire speech apparatus, but mainly the affected organ, in movement exercises. , suction, blowing, breathing, massage, tension and relaxation, among others.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Dysglossia: causes and treatment , we recommend that you enter our category of Teeth and mouth .

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