Home Medical dictionary Definition of radiological anatomy

Definition of radiological anatomy

by Alivia Nyhan
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Radiological anatomy is the study of anatomy through images obtained by radiology. It is responsible for studying and describing the different systems, apparatus, and organs of the human body in its representation with the different procedures used. Thus, it allows the interpretation of conventional radiology projections, discovering all the visible anatomy on the plates. At FastlyHeal, we introduce you to the Definition of radiological anatomy.

What is radiological anatomy?

It is the applied anatomy, study of the structure and morphology of the tissues and organs of the body based on their visualization with X-rays.

To understand pathology in-depth, you must know how to master radiology. For this reason, it is essential to know how to interpret conventional radiology projections, discovering all the visible anatomy on the plates.

Importance of radiological anatomy

  • It allows locating, detecting the shape and extent of the lesions.
  • Provides details about the internal structure of tumors and the alterations it causes in the periosteal tissue.
  • Provides information on growth patterns.
  • It helps to deduce the macroscopic nature of the lesions and detect visceral or skeletal metastatic lesions.

Types of X-rays

  • Plain radiography. They are those types of radiographs that do not require prior preparation by the patient. They can be done without an appointment and require a 15-minute wait. They offer images of the thorax, bones, abdomen, etc.
  • Contrast radiography. They are carried out using a technique that takes advantage of the opacity of some aspects against X-rays to observe the interior of the hollow organs.

X-rays are the product of the rapid deceleration of very energetic electrons colliding with a metallic target.

Radiation effects

  • Treble. They appear in a short period after radiation.
  • Chronic. They frequently appear years after receiving radiation.
  • Somatic. They involve diploid cells. The somatic effect will manifest in the individual who absorbs the radiation dose.
  • Genetic. They are those that affect the germ cells and, as a consequence, can cause specific effects in the offspring of those irradiated people or affect the fetus during the gestation period.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

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