Urinating is one of the mechanisms that our body has to cleanse itself of toxins, eliminate unnecessary elements, and purify the blood when it passes through the kidneys. The number of times we urinate depends on the number of fluids we consume throughout the day. However, under certain circumstances, a person may feel a great urge to go to the bathroom, and when attempting to urinate, the excretion of the fluid will not occur. Although it seems very basic, it is a problem that can lead to other more severe problems. If you’ve ever wondered: why do I feel like urinating and I can’t? This FastlyHealarticle can give you the answer you are looking for and some alternatives to solve this uncomfortable problem.
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Feeling of urinating and not being able to do so due to urinary infection or cystitis
When we find ourselves in a situation where we cannot go to the bathroom, for example, if we have a lot of time on the street or work does not allow it, we fill the bladder. We are retaining urine for an excessive time, which can even be for hours. When a person urinates, they eliminate bacteria, leading to infections, such as interstitial cystitis, if they remain in the bladder too long. This condition can also be spread through sexual intercourse, although not considered a venereal disease. Next, we will mention the signs and symptoms of cystitis to differentiate it from other disorders:
- Urgency or need to urinate even though the bladder has not filled enough and nothing comes out when urinating. This urgency arises suddenly.
- Frequency: it is necessary to feel like urinating and going to the bathroom more than average.
- Pain: There may be discomfort, burning, or pain in the bladder area.
- Presence of blood in the urine.
The ideal treatment to combat infectious cystitis consists of attacking the bacteria that has produced it, for which antibiotics are used. The urologist or gynecologist will indicate that. To choose the correct antibiotic, the doctor may consider performing an antibiogram. However, the most used are usually ciprofloxacin, trovafloxacin, and ampicillin.
The urge to urinate and not be able to in men due to prostatitis
It is the inflammation of the prostate that can be caused by a bacterial infection or any urinary tract infection. It can start quickly when acute prostatitis or last a few months to become chronic. It is more common to present this type of alteration in men over 50 years old. They suffer a greater risk of suffering from prostatitis because the prostate gland becomes obstructed, and the proliferation of bacteria in the area increases. The symptoms of prostatitis are:
- Dysuria (difficulty urinating).
- Frequency or urgency to urinate.
- Pain when urinating
- Urinary retention.
The treatment for prostatitis eliminates the underlying cause that has caused it. For this, antibiotics can be administered and stop that bacterial growth. If the prostatitis is acute, the antibiotic treatment maybe for a few days, but the treatment will last longer if it persists and is chronic. Antibiotics may be administered for one to three months.
This condition improves when alcohol consumption is stopped and they do not have sexual intercourse for at least the first week. They keep on bed rest and, in case the pain is unbearable, they take antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs.
The urge to urinate all the time due to bladder irritation or non-infectious cystitis
It is a problem that occurs in the bladder that causes pain, pressure, or burning in the bladder and difficulty urinating despite feeling like it. A bacterial infection frequently causes cystitis, but in this case, it occurs without condition, and its cause is generally unknown. however this problem has been associated with:
- Use of baths or vaginal products for feminine intimate hygiene.
- Use of sponges or gels.
- Some drugs are for chemotherapy or as a result of radiation therapy to the pelvic area.
- Previous infections.
- Consumption of some foods such as those that contain caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, tomatoes, and artificial sweeteners.
This irritation in the bladder is produced by a hypersensitivity reaction to certain chemicals contained in hygiene products or vaginal hygiene. To help alleviate these symptoms or avoid presenting them, it is best to prevent its use.
Suppose it is the product of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. In that case, the treatment consists of managing the pain produced in the person with drugs indicated for this condition and adequate hydration to eliminate the irritants present in the bladder.
This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Why do I feel like urinating and I can’t, we recommend that you enter our Kidneys and urinary system category.

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.