Urine infection is an alteration caused by various microorganisms’ invasion of the urinary tract. This infection can occur at the end of the urinary tract, that is, the opening of the urethra in women or the penis in men, or through blood flow, which causes a natural affection in the kidneys; however, the first route is the most frequent in almost the entire population.
The most common urinary system infection is caused by bacteria, although there are also cases in which fungi, parasites, or viruses cause it. In many patients, the leading cause is the bacteria known as Escherichia coli, which lives naturally in the intestine. This type of alteration, medically known as cystitis, can cause various symptoms. Many associate it with high temperature as it is an infection, but does the urine infection give a fever? If you want to know this and other answers, we invite you to continue reading the following FastlyHealarticle.
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Causes of urine infection
The leading cause of cystitis is, as explained above, infection by bacteria. This is because, commonly, the body can get rid of all harmful microorganisms through urine; However, these bacteria can remain attached to the wall of the bladder or urethra or, in some instances, they multiply so quickly that the body is not able to eliminate all of them. They remain in the bladder causing urine infection.
Although both men and women can suffer from this urinary disorder, it is a little more common in women because the urethra is shorter and, at the same time, close to the anus. Women can get cystitis after being intimate or using a diaphragm for birth control.
In the case of men, the most frequent infections are caused by persistent bacterial changes in the prostate. Likewise, the risk increases in the summer for both women and men due to sweating and the high probability of moisture in the genital area, favoring the appearance of various microorganisms.
Risk factors for urine infection
Although anyone can suffer from this urine infection, those who are going through certain situations are usually more likely to present it, so it is essential to consider some risk factors, especially:
- Women in the menopausal stage.
- The use of a urinary catheter that is located in the bladder.
- A blockage in the urethra or bladder.
- Suffer from diabetes
- We have an enlarged prostate, narrow urethra, or various factors that block the normal flow of urine.
- Pregnant women or those who are elderly.
- Those who suffer from urinary retention cannot expel all their urine.
- I have undergone various processes that compromise the urinary tract.
- For example, I have been immobile for long periods with a hip fracture.
- Babies born with a urinary tract malformation.
Can urine infection cause fever?
The leading and most characteristic symptom in almost all infections is increased body temperature. In the case of urine infection, there may be fever, but the presence of this is not familiar in all patients with this alteration. In general, if it occurs in the clinical picture of cystitis, it is possible to notice a slight fever that does not exceed 38 ° C. At the same time, a temperature higher than this could indicate that the infection has become complicated or has reached an involving the kidneys. However, this is very rare, and the likelihood of developing into a severe disease is very low.
It should be taken into account that fever is a mechanism of the body to control infection and help eliminate pathogens. The increase in body temperature can inhibit their multiplication because there are no favorable conditions. At the same time, the immune system attacks microorganisms. Therefore, this symptom should not be viewed as something that should be eliminated unless the temperature does not drop soon.
As in many cases, the urine infection does not cause fever. There is broader symptomatology that can help detect that one suffers from this alteration and go to the doctor for its treatment. Among them, the following stand out:
- Chills from high body temperature.
- I was feeling the need to urinate frequently.
- Have discomfort when passing urine.
- Redness and itching of the vulva in women.
- Nausea and vomiting in some cases.
- Pain in the back or side when the infection reaches the kidneys.
- The urine is cloudy or has blood and a strong odor.
- Pressure or cramps in the lower abdomen.
Treatment of urine infection
To begin to treat the urine infection, the doctor, through studies, will determine what is causing this condition. If the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms produces it, the primary treatment may include the administration of antibiotics if it is due to bacteria or antivirals if they are viruses. While if it is non-infectious cystitis, that is, an effect by another condition that is suffered, such as an obstruction of the airways due to the placement of a device or a stone, surgery to unblock the ducts may be recommended. Likewise, it can be accompanied by drugs that reduce the symptoms of cystitis.
On the other hand, some personal care could be of help to improve the clinical picture:
- Drink more water than average, as long as you do not have fluid retention.
- Avoid consuming products that require a more complex process by the body, such as alcoholic beverages, coffee, and highly seasoned foods.
- Urinate whenever you feel like it without letting more time pass.
- Do not use genital hygiene products that can irritate the area and alter the bacterial flora or vaginal pH.
The following article shows the best natural remedies for urine infection.
This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Does a urine infection give a fever? We recommend that you enter our category of Kidneys and urinary system.
I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.