The phimosis operation, better known as circumcision, is an outpatient intervention. After the procedure, the patient requires a few hours to recover and be discharged. Despite its simplicity, Care after a phimosis operation is key to avoiding other problems.
In this FastlyHealarticle, we indicate the recommendations that a patient who has had to undergo this intervention should follow.
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Phimosis and circumcision
The phimosis occurs when the skin around the foreskin cannot fully retract, leaving the glans hidden. In most cases, this situation can lead to urinary or glans infections that can affect the normal development of the penis since normal secretions accumulate in the foreskin, preventing proper hygiene.
The most common way to eliminate phimosis is through the Circumcision ng; however, some measures can be implemented before it. In the case of children, the doctor will ask that the skin be constantly and firmly retracted more and more until the glans are cleared.
Another way is to apply topical corticosteroids to soften the skin around the foreskin so that it yields to constant retraction. If, after these measures, the expected results have not been achieved, the recommendation will be circumcision, which is an outpatient intervention without any associated risk.
What is the phimosis operation?
The phimosis operation is an operation that lasts about 45 minutes and does not necessarily require general anesthesia. It consists of removing the foreskin through the scalpel or laser technique. This elimination can be total or partial.
For general recommendations, the patient should rest for about three days. You are taking Care of the suture above all and keeping the treated area clean. After that, you will be able to go about your everyday life, except for sexual intercourse, for which you will have to wait about three weeks.
Among the benefits associated with this intervention, there is a decrease in urinary infections and a lower risk of contracting penile cancer and getting HIV.
Care and recovery after a phimosis operation
The instructions detailed below should be followed for the patient to have a good recovery after the phimosis operation.
In the clinic
After the intervention, the patient will need to recover for a few hours, especially if he has been fully sedated. You will receive the first Care of the operation in the clinic, where gauze will be placed in the place of the future.
In addition, you will receive treatment for pain and inflammation and recommendations for wound care.
At home
Upon arrival home, the patient must be inactive for the first three days. It is essential to carry out the following Care in the postoperative period of phimosis:
- Clean the wound daily. During the first two weeks, it is essential to keep the damage and the area very clean. The gauze must be removed, cleaned with antiseptic soap, and dried well. Then cover the wound again with an unused wrap.
- Protect the glans with gauze. Keeping the glans clean and covered in the first few days is essential. The patient should urinate normally, avoiding wetting the wound’s gauze. In case it happens, it dries well or replaces the wrapping.
- Control erections. In adults, circumcision can be a problem due to nighttime erections. These can cause stretching of the sutures and skin, causing pain. One way to avoid them or cut their effect is to immerse your feet in cold water. Also, at the time of an erection, the patient can get into a bathtub with warm water, which will reduce the pain.
- Avoid sexual intercourse. Sexual relations can be resumed 3 or 4 weeks after the phimosis operation.
- Comply with medical check-ups. The patient must attend the check-ups established by his doctor. Likewise, you must comply with the indicated treatment during your recovery.
The most significant risk associated with non-compliance with Care is infection. These can occur due to carelessness of the wound, complications with the suture, or adhesion of the skin that was part of the foreskin. In the latter case, it can be seen as a yellowish ring just under the foreskin, leading to whitish discharge or bleeding. If this happens, the patient should go immediately to the emergency room.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Care after phimosis surgery , we recommend that you enter our category of Male reproductive system .
I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.