Home Blood problems Blood infections and their symptoms

Blood infections and their symptoms

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

One of the most dangerous diseases there is the blood infection that appears as a response of our immune system when fighting a harmful agent to health. Our body will begin to release a series of toxic substances that are destined to eliminate aggression but that, in the end, end up affecting our health in general, putting our lives in danger. In this FastlyHealarticle, we will discover what blood infections are and their symptoms so that you can better understand this health condition and find the causes and treatment to combat it.

Sepsis or blood infection

Before we begin to discover the symptoms of blood infections, we must stop to understand what this condition is about and what are the factors that promote its appearance in our body.

The name “sepsis” is a blood infection, and it is a response carried out by our immune system when an infection enters our body. Sepsis is, therefore, a defense system that naturally activates our body to try to eliminate an external agent that is putting us in danger.

But this sepsis can produce a series of ailments in our body since the response of the immune system is robust and drastic; It is for this reason that, suffering from this blood infection, we can feel fever, tachycardia, hypothermia, and so on.

Many factors can cause this situation:

  • Bacteria: these are very normal in our body. Not taking proper medication or ignoring increased bacteria can lead to an overly large infection.
  • Fungi: Fungi can spread throughout the body by traveling through the blood. Therefore, they easily contaminate said blood, and sepsis spread rapidly everywhere.
  • Kidney infections – Also known as kidney infections. Since the kidneys have a vital role in our body and are directly related to the Blood, any bacteria that reach them and are capable of starting to produce infection will be able to distribute themselves throughout the body rapidly.

Symptoms and treatment of blood infection

Let’s go into the matter now and discover blood infections and their symptoms in detail to know the effects that sepsis can produce on our body since they can be severe.

Among the most common symptoms of blood infection, we highlight the following:

  • Drop-in blood pressure
  • cardiac arrhythmias
  • Tachycardia or rapid breathing
  • Colds, shaking and chills.
  • Episodes of delirium or hallucinations
  • Fever
  • Hypothermia
  • Dizziness
  • Bleeding or bruising
  • Rash on the skin or face

You have to know that blood infections affect the whole body but, above all, vital organs such as the lungs, kidneys, liver, and the central nervous system. These are the most affected by this condition because blood circulation begins to be altered, and they will not receive the necessary blood cells for their proper functioning.

Treatments for sepsis

Having infections in the Blood is a dire situation, and, in general, a person who suffers it will have to go to the hospital so that the doctors treat them in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit). The most common treatment is the administration of intravenous antibiotics and oxygen.

In addition to this, this situation is also usually treated with different medications that aim to increase blood pressure and restore the body’s functioning.

Causes of blood infections: the most common

But why does the blood infection appear? In the first section of this article, we have already indicated that this condition occurs when our body begins to release a series of toxins designed to stop an infectious agent. In the end, it is our body that is the worst off.

Among the most common causes of blood infection we must highlight the following:

  • HIV: having HIV can cause the Blood to become infected
  • Hepatitis C: this disease appears when a healthy person comes into contact with the Blood of another person
  • E.Coli bacteria: Another cause of blood infection is this bacterium, the most common cause of this condition. It is found in our digestive system and enters our body through consuming food contaminated with said bacteria.
  • Kidney infections: this situation can also lead to a blood infection as any bacteria that reach the kidneys can travel through our circulatory system and cause the body’s Blood to be completely infected.
  • Fungal infections: inside our body, there is the presence of fungi, and it may be the case that these reproduce inside or outside us, causing our body’s reaction to sepsis.

Blood infections are a severe health condition and, therefore, it is essential that if you have any questions, you go to a specialist so that they can help you and examine you in detail.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Blood infections and their symptoms , we recommend that you enter our category of Blood, heart and circulation .

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