Home Ear, nose and throatThroat diseases and infections Blisters in the throat: causes and home remedies

Blisters in the throat: causes and home remedies

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Lesions in the mouth and throat are not only annoying and painful, but they also allow us to inform ourselves about the general state of the body since being in the most accessible part of the digestive and respiratory systems, pay attention to what happens in them it is to keep an eye on the entire organism. Viruses are the leading cause of blisters in the throat. Still, other more complicated medical conditions can have them as their first manifestation: autoimmune diseases, low defenses, and reactions to medications, to name a few.

If you want to know all the causes of throat blisters and how to cure them, we invite you to continue reading this FastlyHealarticle.

Why do you get blisters in the throat: causes

The pharynx is an organ that can contract different types of infections since it is one of the first defense barriers that the body has, and being the most easily accessible area of ​​both the digestive and respiratory systems, it allows us to realize the state of the body just by opening the mouth.

Pharyngitis can present in different ways: redness, plaques of pus on the pharynx, blisters, and ulcers in the throat. Often these last two can correspond to the same disease, which first manifests as blisters and, when broken, gives rise to ulcers. That is why the following is a list of the causes of diseases that occur in one way or another:

Herpes zoster

Blisters and then ulcers appear only on one side: on the roof of the mouth, the nose, lips, or on the floor of the mouth and tongue. They are episodes that are repeated over and over again when defenses are lowered, intense exposure to the sun, or eating disorders. A virus of the same name causes this disease. You can see more details in the article Shingles: symptoms and treatment.


The varicella-zoster virus causes it from the herpes virus family. Similar blisters also appear in the mouth when a specific skin disease occurs.


It is a disease caused by the herpes simplex virus. Tiny blisters appear all over the mouth and around the lips, on a reddened background that, when broken, gives rise to ulcerations. It causes much pain, difficulty swallowing, drooling, fever, general malaise, and even meningeal reactions. Often it appears in children for the first time.


The coxsackievirus A4 causes herpangina. Canker sores usually appear on the soft palate, are accompanied by fever and malaise, and, sometimes, enlarged parotid glands (salivary glands).

Foot-hand-mouth syndrome

They are lesions similar to those of herpes, but they are not only in the throat but also in blisters on the palms of the hands and lateral faces of the hands and feet. Caused by the A16 coxsackievirus and is very common in children.

Pemphigus Vulgaris

It is an autoimmune disease of the skin, but it can start only with blisters in the mouth. These are usually in the areas of friction (tongue, lips, palate, cheeks) that, when broken, give rise to painful ulcers. Lesions on the skin usually appear later; they are also blisters that appear in any area of ​​apparently healthy skin.

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It is also an autoimmune disease, in which the blisters are a little deeper. It can manifest itself first in the mouth (inner side of the lips, cheeks, and soft palate) and then on the skin of the abdomen and in the flexion area of ​​both elbows.

Erythema multiforme

It is a rare condition. Blisters appear in the mouth (usually on the front, including the lips, but also in the throat, esophagus, nose, eyes, and genital area) and lesions with blisters and redness around the hands’ wrists, elbows, and knees. It can be due to an infection (herpes) or a reaction to different medications (sulfa, anti-inflammatories, acetylsalicylic acid).

Other autoimmune diseases

Throat blisters and ulcers may be from another autoimmune disease, such as lupus. It would be a relatively rare presentation if there were only blisters, but some cases have been seen.

It is important to emphasize that in states of low defenses (immunodeficiencies, HIV, among others), similar pictures may appear over and over again, images with symptoms that are too exaggerated, that last too long (herpes for more than one month) or that do not respond to treatment. Therefore, you should always use a professional.

Medical treatment for throat blisters

To treat blisters in the throat, your trusted doctor must assess you as a first measure. They should ask you some questions to guide the diagnosis. They will review you and request an analysis if they deem it necessary.

As the most frequent causes of painful blisters in the throat are viral diseases, usually, support measures and treatment of symptoms are established, including:

  • Pain relievers: You may be prescribed paracetamol (acetaminophen) to ease the pain.
  • Topical pain relievers: creams with local pain relievers can be applied to the skin with blisters. Benzocaine is the most common. It is essential not to abuse them and use them according to medical prescription, maximum 3 or 4 times a day and half an hour before eating, and it should not be ingested.
  • Wait: as seen, blisters usually last between 1 and 2 weeks, depending on the virus, and usually resolve independently.
  • In some cases, when the blisters are huge or do not heal on their own, other treatments can be used. Still, they are the last resort, which should not be used without medical supervision: cauterization of the blisters or ulcers, use of oral steroids (to reduce inflammation and treat autoimmune diseases), use of sucralfate (commonly used to treat gastric ulcers).

Home remedies for throat blisters

Here are some natural remedies that can help you relieve the discomfort caused by blisters in the throat or mouth:

  • Chamomile (Chamaemelum Nobile): It is excellent as an anti-inflammatory and healing in the mucous membranes. Therefore, it is ideal for treating ulcers and blisters in the mouth and throat. An infusion should be prepared with its dried flowers and gargled several times a day. The injection is at two teaspoons of dried flowers per cup. Also, you can drink three cups a day.
  • Honey: it is also healing and regenerating. You can apply it directly to the lesions and use it as a sweetener in herbal teas and foods.
  • Wormwood or bitter mugwort (Artemisia absinthium): its dried leaves and flowers are used. You can gargle with one teaspoon in 1 cup of water. It is beneficial for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
  • Plantain ( Plantago ): it is healing and anti-hemorrhagic. You can swish with an infusion prepared with 4 or 5 tablespoons per liter.
  • Marshmallow ( Althaea Officinalis ): its leaves and flowers can be used in infusion, and the root can be chewed. It is analgesic and anti-inflammatory if applied directly to the damaged area.

Changes in habits

  • You can make blisters heal easier by keeping your diet light, rich in vitamins and minerals. To do this, eat many raw fruits and vegetables, avoid those that cause burning, such as citrus fruits, strawberries, bananas, and tomatoes.
  • Avoid foods that are difficult to digest: meat, dairy, and flour. Change for legumes, honey, gluten-free flours. Be careful with scratchy foods. They can hurt you more.
  • Also, put aside the cigarette. Smoking keeps your mucous membranes inflamed. Therefore, it is essential to stop this habit if you want to heal yourself.
  • Drink water. Another key is to stop drinking drinks with sugar, alcohol, and artificial juices. The water will help you not only to hydrate appropriately but also to cleanse your body.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

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