Home Women's HealthVaginal bleeding Bleeding after having sex in women

Bleeding after having sex in women

by Alivia Nyhan
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Bleeding after having sex in women

Even though it occurs relatively frequently and most women go through it at some point in their lives, you should know that Bleeding after having sex is not normal. That does not mean that it has to be something serious, but at the very least, it deserves our attention to know the cause of that condition.

Remember that it is not the same if the Bleeding is scarce or abundant, or if it lasts over time or is limited to a few hours. In the following FastlyHealarticle, we will explain the causes of Bleeding after having sex in women.

Hymen tear bleeding

The hymen is the thin membrane located at the entrance to the vagina and partially covers it. The reasons why the hymen can break are many, whether it is practicing physical activities, the first time you use a tampon, during masturbation, or due to an injury to that area. However, if it has not been broken before, it usually does so during the first penetrative sex.

Bleeding during intercourse is common when it is done for the first time. The membrane breaks, and blood comes out with it. This is normal and should not be alarming. The Bleeding will stop without doing anything. This Bleeding may extend into subsequent relationships in some cases, but it will not last long. In other cases, due to its elasticity, it is possible that the hymen will not break in the first intercourse. If so, it will break in any of the successive ones.

Be that as it may, we remind you that after having sex for the first time, it is essential to go to the gynecologist for a complete check-up. Another essential thing to know is that Bleeding after sex after a long time is not due to the hymen. The hymen does not grow back for a long time that you are not practicing intercourse, so it is expected to some other condition than those we explain throughout the article.

Menstruation: a possible reason for Bleeding

One of the reasons for Bleeding during sexual intercourse is menstruation. Having intercourse in the days before the period’s arrival can advance it. This happens because orgasm causes vibrations in the uterus that can accelerate the descent of menstruation, being able to move it between 24 and 48 hours. To this must be added the hormonal alterations that occur during arousal, all these influences that you get ahead.

If this happens to you, you should not be alarmed. It is something completely normal that does not entail any harm. However, if you are unsure if it is your menstruation or some other problem, it is always advisable to visit the gynecologist to clear up doubts.


Bleeding after unprotected sex: STDs

If you have unprotected relationships, you are exposed to contracting a sexually transmitted disease. Some of these infections manifest through Bleeding and other aggravating symptoms if you don’t treat yourself quickly.

Chlamydia and gonorrhea are two of the primary sexually transmitted diseases whose symptoms are the following Bleeding from intercourse. In addition, in its symptoms, it also highlights:

  • The more significant amount of flow.
  • Bad smell in the flow.
  • Greenish or yellow discharge.
  • Irritation and vaginal burning.

It is important to have protective relationships, especially when it is not your usual partner. However, suppose you have already done so and suspect that you may have any of these diseases, including some serious such as AIDS. In that case, you must visit a doctor as soon as possible to start the treatment indicated for each subject.


Reason for Bleeding during intercourse: Endometriosis

Another reason for Bleeding during sexual intercourse can be Endometriosis. Endometriosis is a disease in which the endometrial tissue is expelled with the rule, growing out of the uterus, adhering to the bladder, ovaries, intestines, or rectum. Although we do not fully know the causes of this disease, it is known that it can be hereditary and that it affects women since they develop, although it is not usually diagnosed until the age of 25 or 30.

One of the symptoms of Endometriosis is bleeding during or after intercourse, although other symptoms can help identify this disease:

  • Pelvic pain.
  • Pain when maintaining relationships.
  • Pain when defecating
  • Excruciating periods.
  • Irregular menstruation.

Mild Bleeding after intercourse: vulvovaginitis

She is medically known as vulvovaginitis to inflammation and irritation of the vagina, the vulva, or both at the same time. It is a widespread condition, something that is because many different things can cause it. Vulvovaginitis is usually caused by a vaginal infection, either fungal or bacterial, but it can also be caused by poor hygiene, an STD, or excessive friction.

The vulvovaginitis may cause different symptoms, among which Bleeding during intercourse or after intercourse can also cause:

  • Vaginal burning
  • Irritation to the vagina or vulva.
  • Redness
  • Vaginal itching

This condition can also be caused by excessive friction during intimate relationships. If you suffer from vaginal dryness, that friction can cause slight trauma to the vaginal mucosa that causes Bleeding and irritation. That is why it is always recommended to use lubricants or give time to preliminaries.


Conditions in the cervix

There are different conditions and conditions in the cervix – also known as the cervix – that can cause Bleeding after being intimate. If this Bleeding appears recurrently, you must visit a gynecologist to start the appropriate treatment. Here we explain the main conditions in the cervix, one of the reasons for Bleeding during sexual intercourse:

  • Cervicitis is the inflammation of the cervix, and it is a widespread condition. 50% of women experience it at some point in their life. STDs are the most common reason, although it can also be due to allergies or trauma.
  • Uterine polyps: these are excessive growths in the endometrium, a kind of benign tumor that, although they can be asymptomatic, can also manifest with symptoms such as Bleeding when having intercourse. It is estimated that about 25% of women have them, although many are not aware of it.
  • Cervical dysplasia: these are changes in the uterine cells that, if left untreated, can eventually lead to cancer. It often occurs without symptoms, although there may be bleeding after intercourse. It should be the doctor who studies the case to establish if treatment is needed.
  • Uterine injuries: it can have different causes, although it is mainly due to HPV, hormonal alterations, or damage during intercourse. In the latter case, it is common for pink discharge to appear after having intimate relationships, which should be limited to a few hours after the act. As in the case of dysplasia, you must go to the gynecologist to study it and design treatment.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Bleeding after having sex in women, we recommend that you enter our category of the Female reproductive system.

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