Home Skin CareSkin treatments Benefits of seawater for the skin

Benefits of seawater for the skin

by Alivia Nyhan
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Indeed, you have been many times in the sea without being aware of the many benefits that saltwater has for the body. And is that, unlike freshwater, seawater contains many ingredients that offer the properties that make it unique for skincare: sodium, iodine, zinc, and potassium, all trace elements that benefit the largest organ of the body just by being absorbed.

The French researcher René Quinton discovered that the composition of seawater was very similar to that of the body’s cells, being able to resemble blood plasma. Faced with this discovery, the researcher joined with Doctor Jarricot, and they created “Marine Dispensaries” to treat thyroid conditions, cholera, and skin diseases. Today, these dispensaries can also be found in Colombia, Argentina, South Africa, Spain, and Mexico. In this FastlyHealarticle, you will be able to know in-depth what are the benefits of seawater for the skin.

Control fat production

The hair follicle comprises hair and an oil gland responsible for producing oil. When the production of this oily substance is excessive, it is considered that you suffer from oily skin, and there is a greater probability that the pores will be clogged by the accumulation of oil and leading to the formation of a blackhead.

Seawater has the property of acting on the skin by naturally regulating sebum production thanks to its astringent action, making the skin look much less shiny and smoother. Oily skin mainly affects the face; for this reason, to take advantage of the benefits of seawater for the skin, it is advisable to wash the face daily with a saline solution when waking up and before going to bed. Although the balance occurs gradually, the first application can observe the effects.

Discover in the following article other Home Remedies for oily skin.

It helps treat skin conditions.

Many skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, peeling, and allergic reactions find significant improvement after the skin begins to receive seawater baths.

Saltwater offers a powerful mineral concentration of zinc, sodium, potassium, and iodine, which allows combating the proliferation of bacteria that may be causing a specific infection. Still, its antibiotic properties will help heal these conditions effectively and naturally offer lesion-free skin.

It helps heal minor wounds.

In the composition of seawater, there are two ingredients responsible for its excellent antiseptic property: potassium chloride and salt. This benefit of seawater for the skin helps disinfect wounds, cuts, scrapes, and scratches without worrying about the possibility of a possible infection.

At first, when we apply salted water to a wound or hedgehog bite, we may notice that the lesion burns a little, and then this passes little by little. This effect is average, and we should not consider it harmful. Any injury will heal much faster if we wash and disinfect it with seawater.

Marine nutrition for the skin

Perhaps you have noticed that in cosmetics, there are more and more creams and treatments that offer to prevent aging, and that among their active ingredients is seawater. This is because the minerals that makeup saltwater nourish the skin to stimulate collagen and elastin production, making the tissues and fibers much more flexible, preserving their tone and, therefore, delaying the appearance of wrinkles and furrows.

The next time you want to get a skin treatment, go to the nearest perfumery and choose those products that combine marine ingredients such as seawater, algae, mollusks, pearls, and shells. They are natural and effective in preventing aging.

Natural scrub

Dead cells, waste, dirt, oil, makeup, and other external agents accumulate in the skin’s pores. The accumulation of these elements interferes with the appearance of the epidermis, making it look red and swollen; for this reason, it is so important to exfoliate the skin every week and leave it free of toxins.

One of the benefits of seawater for the skin is the exfoliating action offered by the salt that makes it up, which will help the skin not only be cleaner but also look much younger thanks to proper perspiration. There are many exfoliants based on sea salts on the market, but you can also wash your face with a bit of seawater to enjoy the power of this property.

In the following article, you can see five other homemade scrubs for the face to give you beautiful skin.

Stimulates circulation

Blood is the fluid responsible for transporting nutrients and oxygen to all body parts. One of the best properties of seawater for the skin is that this substance stimulates blood circulation, allowing the skin to be nourished much more effectively and making it possible for the epidermis to look bright, solid, and healthy to the naked eye.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Benefits of seawater for the skin , we recommend that you enter our category of Aesthetic treatments.

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