Home DietsHealthy food Benefits of raw oats on an empty stomach

Benefits of raw oats on an empty stomach

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Oats are a well-known cereal that is very popular today, but it has also been throughout the history of civilizations and in many parts of the world. This is not by chance, in fact, it is due to the large amount of nutrients that this food provides us. It has a very high protein and vitamin value, in addition to providing a large amount of carbohydrates to our diet and nutrition. At the same time it has a great satiating power, giving us the feeling of being full.

It is not surprising that a food with such characteristics has become a star of diets and that many nutritionists, doctors and specialists recommend its usual intake. There are many ways to eat this food but the benefits of raw oats on an empty stomach are many. In the following FastlyHealarticle we explain them to you!

Reduce bad cholesterol

Oats are rich in soluble fiber and in lipoproteins, which are elements that facilitate the balance of our cholesterol, reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing good cholesterol (HDL). When taken raw and on an empty stomach, its properties are not altered by other elements that we have previously taken, so there will be no chemical reactions between them and, consequently, the elements discussed will be absorbed quickly and effectively.

Avoid osteoporosis

The osteoporosis is the decalcification of the bones due to loss of bone fragility and comprising important elements eston body. It is very common in diets low in calcium, so it is advisable to take oats. This food contains a large amount of calcium , 80mg for every 100 grams we take. Eating this product offers us an extra component in our daily calcium intake that will help strengthen bones and prolong their activity and proper functioning, slowing down the decalcification process and making our bones a strong part of our body.

Prevents thyroid gland malfunction

This gland located in the lower part of the neck, controls the burning of energy in our body through hormones that are generated thanks to iodine and other elements. Its proper functioning is essential to maintain a regular weight, a stable mental condition, not suffer stress or have balanced blood pressure. Oats contain large amounts of iodine , which is translated at the body level to the possible creation of hormones T3 and T4, which are responsible for making this gland work. Thus, among the benefits of eating raw oats on an empty stomach, we find the improvement of hypothyroidism, the condition in which the thyroid gland does not work as quickly as it should.

Minimizes the risk of cardiovascular disease

As we have mentioned, the large amount of soluble fiber reduces bad cholesterol in our body. This leads to a better absorption of good cholesterol, and that our arteries are free and, consequently, our blood supply can circulate without difficulties. This fact translates into a better functioning of the circulatory system and, therefore, less risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack , angina pectoris or fluid retention.

Regulates intestinal transit

This food contains large amounts of fiber , for every 100 grams of oatmeal it includes 10.6 grams of fiber. The power of fiber is known to help our intestinal transit to function correctly and continuously, facilitating lighter and faster digestions. It helps to keep the intestinal canal clean by improving the absorption of other components. Thus, in the case of digestive pain, oatmeal may help you regulate your transit.

Provides large amounts of carbohydrates

It is a source of complex carbohydrates, that is, those that are converted into glucose at a slow but constant rate, keeping the level of energy burning stable and making it possible not to have energy drops . These types of carbohydrates are healthier, more powerful and give a better result than simple ones (sugars, refined, packaged, etc.). That is why eating oatmeal on an empty stomach will give you a lot of energy.

Helps to lose weight

Being a natural and unrefined product, with the amount of nutrients that we have discussed above, it is a good ally if our intention is to lose weight:

  • The large amount of complex carbohydrates it contains prolongs the feeling of being full, making it an appropriate food for breakfast and helping to avoid snacking between meals .
  • Having fiber regulates intestinal transit and helps prevent constipation and the feeling of bloating.
  • Finally, as the functioning of the gland with hypothyroidism improves, hormonal levels tend to stabilize and hormonal fluid retention tends to decrease.

It is for all these characteristics that we can say that raw oats on an empty stomach help you lose weight.

To finish, say that by incorporating this food in our diet for a long time we can see that our energy increases and also our vitality, that by having a better intestinal transit the appearance of our skin improves, our body is purified and can even influence the decreased stress. We are clearly in front of a superfood full of benefits!

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Benefits of raw oats on an empty stomach , we recommend that you enter our Food category .

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